Here’s what you need to know about social trading!

Among the many innovations seen in online trading in recent years, social trading is one of the most prominent. While the internet revolution has made trading accessible to anyone with a web browser or a smartphone, the social aspects of online trading are what truly separates it from traditional trading.


The world of finance is rapidly evolving, and social trading has become a big part of it. It is predicted that by 2021, one in three traders will use social trading and investment services. This prediction was made by the acclaimed Roubini Thought Lab, which is headed by the famous financial analyst who foresaw the 2008 crisis. One of the main benefits of online trading is that you don’t need much capital to start investing – even $200 is enough to open a trading account.

However, success in online trading requires more than just startup capital. It involves experience, knowledge, and time. And yet, thanks to the aforementioned social features, at eToro, we have created the perfect solution for those who wish to trade, but lack the time or know-how.


We at eToro, the world’s leading social trading network, have amassed more than 6 million clients worldwide, and have developed means of harnessing their knowledge to benefit our traders. Moreover, we are heavily regulated by the FCA and CySec, work with tier 1 banks, and have sophisticated encryption methods – which is why we are so trusted by our users.


On our intuitive platform, any user can see other traders’ portfolios, track records, and risk score transparently. This is to enable clients to follow and copy each other. The practice of CopyTrading™ enables almost any user to attach some of their funds to another trader’s portfolio, copying anything they do automatically and in real-time.


Through the Copy People Discovery Tool, traders can look at each other’s history, risk score, and the assets they invest in, and even leave a personal note, directly on a trader’s feed. The Discovery Tool provides many filters that can be tweaked according to each person’s preferences toward risk, asset focus and more. The results seen in the past from CopyTrading™ on our platform are impressive: The data shows that 80% of the 124 million trades copied on eToro closed in profit.


While copying other traders is great for those who don’t wish to trade on their own, traders who have a more “hands-on” approach, have a plethora of ways to win on eToro. If a client shows consistent returns on eToro, they are likely to get copied by other people as well – and they have great incentive to do so. Traders could apply to eToro’s Popular Investor program and receive amazing perks from us.


Popular Investors can earn up to a 2% management fee from eToro, and enjoy a spread rebate of up to 100%. The Popular Investor Program is a great way for experienced traders to build their own online financial business. Opening an account is free, and can be done here.


This video shows what we are all about:


If you are ready to take your first steps in the world of Social Trading, click here to register now for FREE.

*Past performance is not an indication of future results.  This post is not investment advice.  Only risk capital you are prepared to lose.