How to become a “Feed Verified” user?

As I’m sure you’re aware, the eToro OpenBook enables you to form discussions around people and markets, by tagging people (@username) or by tagging markets ($SYMBOL).

Every user can post to the feed, and if he/she has followers – they will see the post in their newsfeed (“My Feed”). But, in order to tag other people or markets, and to join the discussion within market streams, you must become a “Feed Verified” user.

Why do I need to verify my identity?

Verifying your identity before posting to others’ walls or public walls on the eToro OpenBook feed helps us improve the quality of content and prevent spam or abuse. It helps us make sure that only real verified people stand behind each post, and that there are no fake accounts.

How to become a “Feed Verified” user?

Most of your are probably already verified:

  • Users who have deposited and withdrawn funds, are already verified (already completed their profile verification, including approved uploaded documents).
  • Users who have verified their phone number or have connected a socially-active Facebook account, are already verified (if you’ve redeemed our free $50 gift card, you’re probably verified as well).

If you’re not already verified, you will get the following popup when attempting to post something on the eToro OpenBook feed:


Just connect your Facebook account, or verify your phone number and you’ll be verified.

What to do if I get an error message when connecting my Facebook account?

If, by any chance, we couldn’t recognize your Facebook account as socially active, try to use the phone verification option instead.

Another option to be verified is to fully complete your profile, including the uploading of relevant documents. You can do this by logging-in to eToro OpenBook and choosing “Complete Your Profile” under the “More” menu at the top of the page.


If you’re having any trouble with verification, please contact our Customer Service team.

It’s an easy process and it goes a long way towards helping us maintain quality content on our beloved social investment network.

Happy New Year everyone!