Monthly Market Webcast: Trade wars, crypto analysis and investment opportunities

In this month’s webcast, our Senior Market Analyst Mati Greenspan talked about recent and upcoming market opportunities. He discussed global monetary policies, some prominent eToro CopyFunds investment strategies, Popular Investors to watch, top cryptocurrencies and more.

Topics covered:

  • S. and EU monetary policies
  • Trade war?
  • Featured CopyFunds investment strategies
  • Popular Investors
  • eToro club benefits
  • Regulation changes
  • Rollover fees
  • The crypto market

To view a recording of the webcast, register here (it’s free and quick).

You can see a breakdown of the webcast below. Use the Chapters widget on the webcast platform to easily navigate between sections:

Please note: Due to technical issues, audio malfunctioned between  5:15-6:59min and 11:12-12:28min

01:09min | Question on Roll over fees: Unified Fees

07:15min | ESMA Regulation change – If you wish to apply for Elective Professional Client Status, please fill out this form.

09:40min | Today’s Agenda

12:47min | eToro Club Benefits

15:08min | Imminent Launch – the SharpTraders CopyFund

16:25min | Featured CopyFund strategy: OutSmartNSDQ – eToro’s first SmartBeta CopyFund strategy

20:41min | Question about Popular investor rebates/What are copy dividends. Read more.

24:42min | Featured Popular Investor: Big-profits

28:05min | Featured Popular Investor: Jeppekirkbonde

29:50min Fundamental Highlights

29:54min | Trade War Continues – How are you exposed

33min and 45.02min Tomorrow is D-Day! (China Trade Decision + NFP Data)

34:33min Policy Divergence (Euro & Dollar)

35:00min | USDJPY Trendline USDJPY

37:20min India High Court Crypto Hearing – July 20th

42:42min | Technical Highlights

45:47min | Euro & Pound – Sister Currencies

46:18min | Discussed technical review on Euro & Pound –

48:00min | Metals are sinking!!

50:49min | Platinum

52:00min | Copper

56:39min | Viewer question: Where is possible to get data on official quantitative easing performed by big Central Banks? Where to get data about pumped money?

Answer: Figure 7

58:07min | ETH

60:18min | Casper

61:04min | NEO

62:04min | ADA

62:57min | EOS

63:34min | NEO

66:20min | Viewer question: What are your short and long predictions for crypto – will we ever see a year like last year again?

Answer: Crypto research papers:

67:20min | Article on BTC cycles

69:55min | Viewer question: What security does etoro have regarding going crypto?

73:00min | EOS

Your questions answered

During the webcast there were two questions that we did not have time to answer, please see them, and their answers, below:

Question: What percent of cryptos are held in cold storage?

Answer: eToro adheres to the UK Crypto Association Code of Conduct which requires all members to store 90% or more of private keys in cold storage. This excludes coins being used for trading, liquidity & transfer purposes. See the Crypto Addendum here.

Question: Any opinions on XRP and the SBI launch? Will it make a real difference? Or are we stuck with matching Bitcoin?

Answer: Mati reviewed this on the 9.7.18 market update.

We hope you enjoyed the webinar. If you have any feedback or comments, please feel free to connect with Mati Greenspan on all social media channels: eToro, ,Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram.

  • This content is provided for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or recommendation.
  • The outlook presented is the personal opinion of the analyst and does not represent an official position of eToro.
  • Past performance is not an indication of future results. All trading involves risk; only risk capital you are prepared to lose.
  • Cryptocurrencies can fluctuate wildly in price and are not appropriate for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU regulatory framework.

Data presented during the webcast is accurate as of July 5th, 2018.