Introducing: The CRISPR Smart Portfolio – your way to invest in the technology that is shaping the future of medicine

Every now and then, a new technology comes along with the potential to literally change the world. From the earliest days of agriculture to current-day blockchain technology, some technological advancements shape the world and cause a shift in the way we act and think. Naturally, in modern times, each such advancement has a financial aspect, as global markets react, adapt and invest in these new technologies. Such is the case with CRISPR – revolutionizing the field of biotech.

To simplify, CRISPR enables medical professionals to ‘edit’ a person’s DNA, eliminating genetic disease and even changing physical features. If you wish to read more about the technology, check out this educational blog post. As mentioned before, there’s a lot of interest in CRISPR from the financial markets, as investors see this as an exciting long-term growth opportunity.

However, when it comes to investing in a market segment, it is not always easy to choose and manage your investments. You need to familiarize yourself with the field, stay up-to-date on recent news and developments, and continuously manage your risks and reshape your portfolio. Therefore, here at eToro, we created the CRISPR Smart Portfolio: a managed, diversified, long-term thematic investment portfolio.

“People are saying CRISPR is an extremely disruptive technology for DNA editing,” says eToro CEO Yoni Assia. “We took the companies that wrote a lot of patents on this technology and have created an investment portfolio. This is something different…this is biotech. We have created a very interesting Smart Portfolio.”

The CRISPR Smart Portfolio: Composition

The CRISPR Smart Portfolio contains stocks of companies across various fields relating to the technology, from research companies, developing the methods for implementing the technology in modern medicine, to medical device companies, which create the framework for testing and utilizing it. The weight of each company within the CRISPR Smart Portfolio is allocated equally and it is rebalanced periodically. Here are some of the main companies within the Smart Portfolio:


  • Editas Medicine – This American company is currently in the process of preparing to clinically test CRISPR technology to treat a rare condition known as Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), a rare genetic disease that causes blindness.
  • Agilent TechnologiesFormerly a division of HP, Agilent focuses on developing software and analytical instruments for laboratories around the world. The company is a premier player in the CRISPR space, creating various diagnostic tools and partnering with companies conducting research into gene editing.
  • Sangamo TherapeuticsWith more than 20 years of experience in gene therapy, Sangamo is working on many different treatments for various illnesses. For example, the company is researching gene therapy that could potentially render people immune to the HIV virus.
  • MerckThe world’s third-largest producer of medicine, Merck is also deeply vested in the CRISPR field. The company has developed various tools for gene editing, such as “DNA scissors,” which enable removing and replacing DNA segments.
  • CellectisThis French company utilizes gene-editing technology for developing cancer treatments. Cellectis’ technology uses CRISPR to modify T cells from healthy donors so that they will not be rejected by a recipient’s body. These antibody cells are then introduced into the patient’s body and begin attacking and destroying leukemia cells.


How to Invest in CRISPR

The CRISPR Smart Portfolio could be one of the simplest ways to invest in a basket of stocks of companies contributing to this revolutionary technology. Joining our successful Smart Portfolio offering, the CRISPR Smart Portfolio has generated returns of more than 40% in 2017. The Smart Portfolio is managed by eToro’s Investment Committee and will be rebalanced periodically to keep up with this dynamic industry. Investing in the Smart Portfolio is extremely easy and could be done with just a few clicks. If you wish to take part in this biotech revolution that is shaping the future of medicine, consider investing in the CRISPR Smart Portfolio.

Invest in the CRISPR Smart Portfolio

Your capital is at risk. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Data presented is less than 5 years old and may not suffice for making an investment decision. Numbers are accurate as of December 13th, 2017, for updated data refer to the Smart Portfolio’s page. This is not investment advice. CFD trading.