Coz we can’t, we won’t and we don’t stop: 190 new US stocks hitting the eToro market pages!

With the amount of instruments we’ve been piling onto our markets selection, you’d think we’d run out of stocks to add by now.

Ah but the global stock markets have so much more to offer, and we’re always up for bringing more investment opportunities to our investment community!

This time we’re going a little deeper into the American markets, bringing you 190 stocks from all sectors of the US economy, from services, to consumer goods, to financial companies and basic material processing, etc.

American Stock Exchange

This brings eToro to a grand total of 890 instruments!

Some of the better known names on the list include Foot Locker, Barnes & Nobles, Mattel, JetBlue and Chipotle among others, however this is also a chance to get familiar with some of the less familiar companies that make the American economy tick behind the scenes.

For example, you may have never hear of companies such as Darling Ingredients or Xylem Inc, but these two particular firms are global leaders in sustainable agriculture byproduct processing and water solutions respectively, two branches of industry that are gaining importance as we move to solve our planet’s environmental crises.

So we suggest you take the time to get to know the new arrivals in our market pages to see if perhaps there aren’t some gems that would fit well in your stock portfolio.

And as always we are looking forward to your suggestions of other instruments you’d like us to add to our selection.