“Share your vision with those who follow you.” Meet Popular Investor Davide Perina.

Davide (@DavidePerina) from Italy is very enthusiastic about trading and is grateful for his status as a Popular Investor. He feels connected to his copiers and believes that it is his duty to be transparent and to lower his risk for them. We asked him a few questions about his trading style and strategy. See his answers below.

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62% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

Tell us a little about yourself. What do you do for a living? For fun? Family?

Hello everyone! I am Davide Perina, I’m 25 years old, and I work in a business intelligence consultancy company. In other words, we support our clients in making crucial decisions for their companies.

I actually work in data analysis and in creating dashboards where users can view the progress of their company through various graphs and indicators.

In my spare time, I love snowboarding, and I’m very interested in art, especially painting. My favourite painter is an Italian called Giorgio De Chirico. I also love traveling, in particular in northern Europe. I love Norway and dream of living there one day.

Where do you do your research on the instruments in which you invest?

I mainly use two websites as well as keeping up to date with the news involving the companies in my portfolio. I use investing.com and, in particular, its company selector, to filter those companies that meet my criteria. After that, I cross the extracted data with the analysis offered by the Morningstar website and finally, I analyse the best entry points based on sentiment.

Did you have previous experience with financial investments before joining eToro?

Yes, I had previous experience in financial investments on other platforms, but I never spent the time necessary to develop a strategy before coming to eToro. I believe it has been useful for me in improving my patience and emotional control even when things are not going well.

Do you have any specific profit goals for this year? How do you plan to achieve them?

Yes, I aim to generate an annual return of between 30-35%. Currently, I’m performing at over 70%, but I also know that this has been an exceptional year, so if I have to give a realistic estimate, I believe that I can offer a monthly average of at least 3%.

My strategy for next year is to lower the risk and to do that, I plan to divide my investments more evenly, creating a mix of companies undervalued by the market and companies with constant positive performances.

How has eToro changed the way you trade?

First of all, I have to admit that I never imagined that I would become a Popular Investor. Since I became one, I experienced crazy growth — hard to imagine.

Soon I realized the responsibility I had in managing money belonging to others, so I immediately increased the number of companies in my portfolio to ensure greater security for my copiers and I started to update them constantly with posts regarding my next moves. I believe that transparency is owed to the people who trust you.

What is your type of trading strategy and what is it focused on?

My trading strategy is a medium- to long-term strategy and is based on the concept of “value Investing.” It is all about an analysis of the fair value of a company and the quality of its fundamentals. I have a long watchlist of companies in which I’m interested. I keep myself informed about the sentiment of these companies, to understand how they are perceived by the market and if fundamentals, fair value and trend analysis satisfy my target, I buy stocks of the company, and keep them until they are profitable. I usually increase my positions when prices fall, waiting for them to rise up again, Until now, I have had some good results in predicting such fluctuations.

What are the benefits of being a Popular Investor? Did it change the way you trade at all?

The benefits of being a Popular Investor are many.

Starting from a fixed monthly income, very useful for increasing one’s investments or even just for the cash.

Secondly, it certainly gives visibility. I have also received work proposals, thanks to the visibility of the Popular Investor program.

My way of trading is certainly empowered, and now that many people trust me, I feel obligated to them. I started to pay more attention to the social aspect. I think it’s fundamental to share your vision with those who follow you, and above all, not to make anyone feel abandoned.

Why do you think eToro clients should copy you?

I believe that someone should copy me because I have had excellent results this year and I am confident that I will perform just as well next year. I certainly recommend copying for  those who have a vision similar to mine, to those with patience, to those who have assets and are interested in making them grow over several months, or even years. In other words, to those who believe in a long-term investment without getting caught up in the anxiety of the moment.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I just want to say that to all traders and investors out there — you can do it!

I started from nothing like all of you. You just have to commit yourself, offer consistent results over time and be transparent. The road of the Popular Investor is open to anyone and it’s a truly fantastic road!

Thank you, eToro, for this opportunity.

Check Out DavidePerina’s Stats

Please note that CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 75% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work, and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

@DavidePerina contributed to this article in his/her personal capacity. The views expressed are his/her own and do not necessarily represent the views and the assessments performed by eToro.

This content is intended for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or investment recommendation.

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