Meet Popular Investor: Mimi Ho

Mimi Ho is an eToro Popular Investor and she invests as if her life depends on it. Sounds extreme, right? Mimi will tell you that investing successfully is what has allowed her to travel the world and pursue philanthropic work. Known as KoraTrades on the eToro platform, Mimi is a full-time investor who uses her background in psychology and as a business owner to fine-tune her investments. Her investment strategy includes diversification, taking advantage of marketing sentiment, and ensuring that emotions never influence her trading decisions. Although she is travelling around the world, she found time to answer our questions about investing and her personal life.

View KoraTrades Profile

Copytrading does not amount to investment advice. The value of your investments may go up or down. Your capital is at risk.

Tell us a little about yourself!

I am 37 years old and was born in Australia. I hold a Masters degree in Psychology and I owned and ran an IT business for 10 years before becoming an investor. I am a full-time Popular Investor on eToro and have been travelling the world since 2015 for both leisure and volunteer work. 

Investing has allowed me the freedom to pursue my travels and philanthropic work overseas, teaching English to underprivileged children and women in many countries across South East Asia including, India, Nepal and Vietnam.

With the pandemic now easing, I plan on moving to Europe to continue my passion of travel and exploring.

Tell us about your financial background.

I began trading cryptocurrencies and stocks towards the end of my career in IT and as a business owner. I believe the combination of my Psychology background, IT and business acumen has provided me the background and ability to learn and understand what it takes to become a successful investor. I have been self-taught for many years and later took a financial course and am now a certified International Wealth and Investment Manager.

What is your strategy and have you changed it recently to adapt to the volatile markets? Where do you do your research?

I make short-, medium- and long-term investments and my strategy entails the following:

  • Diversification in order to reduce risk: I consider myself a medium risk investor. While I hold a larger portion of cryptocurrencies, I balance out my portfolio with a number of stocks and ETFs mostly within the technology and renewable energy sectors. 
  • Taking advantage of market sentiment: Buying in times of fear and selling in times of greed have benefitted me greatly over the years. Although I do rely on technical indicators, it is the psychology in investing which has also been a predominant focus of mine.
  • Growth stocks with high potential also make up a small percentage of my portfolio.

How has eToro impacted the way you trade?

eToro’s user-friendly platform has provided me with simplicity and ease to monitor my investments. The social platform has allowed me to connect and interact with other investors. eToro creates a community of support and learning, allowing individuals the opportunity to succeed within the world of investing. All of this has helped me achieve my investment goals sooner than I had planned.

Which assets or industries do you have your eye on now?

My primary focuses are the cryptocurrency industry, technology & renewable energy sectors as I believe there is a high potential for growth in these areas.

What was your favourite trade over the past 12 months?

I am satisfied with all the trades I have made within particular markets. My favourite and least favourite trades would have been how I traded rather than what I traded. I am a strong advocate of never trading with emotion and as a result, my favourite trades were made without fear or greed. My least favourite trades were ones I made as a result of FOMO (fear of missing out).

What is your long-term trading goal?

My long-term trading goal is to continue with my current strategy which has been working for me and to continue to assist my copiers in achieving their financial goals.

Any message to copiers or potential copiers?

It is vital to always conduct your own thorough research before making any investment decision. Always invest what you can afford to lose and never trade with emotion.

View KoraTrades Profile

Copytrading does not amount to investment advice. The value of your investments may go up or down. Your capital is at risk.

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