“I am not a trader”: Meet Popular Investor Willemina Douglas

Minika Douglas loves adventures, but when it comes to the markets, she plays it safe. As a Popular Investor on eToro, Minika advises potential copiers that she doesn’t believe in a “get rich quick” mindset. That might disappoint some who are looking to strike it big quickly, however, she offers a different course of action. “Be intentional with small amounts and you will succeed in building wealth.” She is a big believer in the resilience of the US markets, and she points out that the US markets have recovered from every dip or depression to date. That fact provides her with a lot of assurance in a period like this. We are grateful to Minika for giving us some of her time to answer our questions.

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Copy trading does not amount to investment advice. The value of your investments may go up or down. Your capital is at risk.

Tell us a little about yourself!

I’m a 29-year-old teacher, wife and mom from South Africa, who loves travelling, adventurous activities and the outdoors. For example, I embarked on an adventure in South Korea, working and living there for two years. Furthermore, I enjoy making videos for my YouTube channel about investing and personal finance that I started as a hobby in 2019. I hold a degree in Educational Psychology and I’m very interested in human psychology.

What’s your background on the subject of finance?

My interest in finance started when I landed my first job, which was one miserable experience. I had an awakening about the power of finances and I never again wanted to stay at a job just because I am dependent on a salary. I started educating myself on how to pursue financial independence, by reading life-changing financial books and learning from others in the field. 

What is your strategy and have you changed it recently to adapt to the volatile markets? Where do you do your research?

My investment strategy is basic and focused on ETFs that produce a good growth yield over the long haul. I aim to play it safe and I try to keep eToro fees to a minimum by avoiding leverage trading, high-fee investments, shorting stocks and keeping trading frequency low.

I like ETFs for their various advantages. In my opinion, they are well diversified, with lower risk, lower costs and low maintenance.

I am not a trader, thus, not too focused on trying to call dips in the market. I believe in the concept of “dollar cost averaging,” which means consistently buying into the same markets over a long period of time. With that said: will I adapt my strategy to the current volatile markets? No.:)

Every market crash and dip that has ever happened in the US market, has recovered to date, except for this one right now. That gives me personally a lot of assurance at times like these.

I use fundamental analysis to structure my portfolio by looking into past and present data. ETF.com is one of the main resources I use when I am researching ETFs.

How has eToro impacted the way you trade?

One of the main factors that attracted me to eToro was that it gave me exposure to markets all over the world. Before I started to use the platform, I had limited options to invest globally.

Which assets or industries do you have your eye on now? Why?

I personally love investing in US markets. The US has been the world’s largest economy since the 1920s in terms of GDP. And by looking at the S&P 500 growth over the past 40 years and how many times the US continuously recovered from enormous dips, I feel comfortable investing in US markets for the long term.

What was your favourite/least favourite trade over the past year? Why?

I do not see myself as a trader, rather an investor. If I had to choose my favourite investment for the past year, I would say SCHD. This was surprisingly the best-performing ETF in my portfolio over the last year with a 22% return. In addition to its great performance, this ETF is composed of only high dividend paying companies, which was another great bonus.

What’s your long-term trading goal?

I have this vision where I would one day drive into the gas station to fill up my car, I would turn to look at the person next to me and decide to pay for their gas as well. Pay for the gas, drive out and never have to look at the total costs. If I can invest and grow my money to get to this point, I would consider my investment goal achieved.

Any message to copiers or potential copiers?

I don’t believe in the “𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙠” mind-set, rather be intentional with small amounts and you can build a successful portfolio in the long term! Thus, patience and diligence will be the key to success when copying me.

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Copy trading does not amount to investment advice. The value of your investments may go up or down. Your capital is at risk.

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