How to invest money in 2017? eToro’s Popular Investors Predict

With so many incredible changes seen in the markets last year, what could be expected in 2017? If you’re thinking how to invest money in 2017, we’ve gathered predictions from some of eToro’s top Popular Investors, who were all successful during 2016’s roller-coaster ride. If you’re looking for tips on how to invest money this year, check out the download link below:

>>Download eToro’s Popular Investors Predictions for 2017 for FREE<<

2016 was a whirlwind year for global markets. UK citizens voted for a ”Brexit,” deciding to depart from the EU, which shocked global markets and sent the British Pound to record lows. Donald Trump’s presidential win, which initially sent markets tumbling, ended up being a positive catalyst, sending indices on a record bull run in both November and December. The US Dollar skyrocketed, gold tumbled, oil prices saw never-ending volatility, and Bitcoin made a comeback. Those who are looking for ideas on what to invest in this year could find some answers in the report.

The report addresses many different assets on the eToro platform, and where they are headed this year:


Popular Investor @Dimitrios1 shares his predictions for the S&P 500 index under the new Trump administration, saying it was driven by “irrationality” in 2016, and discusses possible scenarios for the popular index. For example: The process of the Brexit, and how the UK’s departure from the EU could affect the Wall Street index.


On the Canadian front, local Popular Investor @venomt09 takes a closer look at the future of the North American nation’s economy, focusing on how changes in its oil infrastructure could affect its currency. For example, an analysis of how the Keystone XL pipeline will affect the Canadian currency.


Another asset that drew a lot of attention in 2016 was Bitcoin, which Popular Investor @Jaynemesis explores in-depth. He discusses the reasons behind the cryptocurrency’s return to near-record levels, and speculates whether or not the bubble will burst. For example: A look at the role the Chinese economy plays in the Bitcoin market.

@4expirate & @SuperG

On the european front, @4expirate discusses the GBP and the Euro, and how the Brexit will affect the EU and the British economies, while @SuperG took a closer look at the USD/GBP relationship, and how “the cable” will react to the UK’s departure from the EU and Trump’s America. He predicts that the Brexit could have a negative effect on the GBP against the USD.


On the stock-market front, Popular Investor @alvindecruz took a close look at tech giant Apple, summing-up 2016, predicting what could happen with the company’s share price in 2017, and going through the steps it must take this year to regain its popularity among investors and consumers.

With so many exciting subjects discussed, there is something for everyone in the report. Every trader should take a look at this document, which presents a great read, and contains useful info for trading on eToro in 2017.

>>Download eToro’s Popular Investors Predictions for 2017 for FREE<<

*All trading involves risk. Only risk capital you’re prepared to lose

* Past performance is not an indication of future results.

* The content above should not be considered as investment advice.