More stocks added in Beta launch

Last week we announced the addition of 10 new brands to our stocks family of investment instruments.

This week, we’re happy to announce that an additional 34 stocks are now available for trading on the eToro OpenBook markets page!

New stocks page

The new stocks include such household names as American Express, General Electric, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, AT&T, Mastercard, Exxon Mobile, and many more.

You can check out the full list here.

We’ve launched these stocks ahead of schedule in what is called a “Beta launch”, which means that this is an initial release for our internal members, designed to collect user feedback about the quality of the product before we announce it to the public.

The reason we chose to do a Beta launch is because it gives our users the opportunity to experience these new investment products before anyone else and report any problems you may have encountered, suggestions for improvement, etc.

We hope you enjoy investing in your favorite brands!

Remember, this Beta launch is all about your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to tell us what you think in the comments.