eToro Crypto Pricing Explained

The purpose of this page is to explain and disclose information about how, and from where, eToro’s cryptoasset prices are sourced.

The cryptoasset prices are generally based on orders made by an internal market maker-like system that aggregates order books from external liquidity providers, and exists on a related entity of the eToro Group. Order books are electronic lists of buy and sell orders for the cryptoassets organised by price level.  The order books list the number of assets being bid on or offered at each price point.

The aforementioned eToro Group entity uses different third-party liquidity providers from which it collects prices. These providers are selected according to various criteria, including liquidity, technical ability, functional capabilities, pricing, security, and more.

The indicative price available on the eToro trading platform is set up by us to account for eToro’s transaction fees, and is calculated according to the pricing methodology shown on the eToro fees page.

Where the prices come from

Crypto prices on eToro are based on the Bid-Ask spread that comes from orders made by an internal market maker-like system that aggregates order books from external liquidity providers, and exists on a related entity of the eToro Group. Learn more

Click here to see an example.

Understanding the fee

As soon as you open a new position, you will see a “loss” in the position. This is because the displayed Profit & Loss (“P/L”) includes the 1% buy fee you’ve just paid and the 1% sell fee you will pay when closing the position.

At eToro, you can track the performance of your crypto investments and know that the buy and sell fees are already accounted for within the P/L information.

Important: When you close the position, the selling fee is adjusted to reflect the market price of the cryptoasset at that time. Cryptoassets can be transferred from the eToro platform to the eToro Money crypto wallet*.

Click here for more information about crypto transfer fees and limits.