Advanced investment tools now available on the platform; a major upgrade for our members

Benjamin Franklin once said: “The best investment is in the tools of one’s own trade.” This important insight is at the core of the major upgrade eToro is bringing to our community. 

We have upgraded our platform to include new, innovative investment charts in partnership with TradingView, who are market leaders in charting and analysis tools. 

What do the new charts include?

Precise Technical Analysis

  • Double the analysis tools i.e., everything you had before plus extended Fibonacci, Gann, and Elliot analysis tools (a crowd favourite)
  • 100+ indicators for the most popular trading strategies
  • 50+ drawing tools to plan your trades
  • Option to see asset prices within the last four hours, one hour, 30 minutes, five minutes and even one minute. 

The ability to laser focus on an asset’s price movements and provide investors with the most exact information will undoubtedly help you to make better-informed decisions.  However, there is more.

State-of-the-art charts

  • Intuitive user interface along with an easily accessible sidebar for all of the analysis tools.
  • Mobile-friendly charts optimised for touch screen devices.

You no longer have the inconvenience of going through multiple steps before you see the desired chart. Everything is now much more easily accessible.

There is a second phase

The second phase will upgrade our charts even further and include the following features: 

  • Trade directly from the charts: This will allow users to quickly and easily execute trades without having to switch back and forth between different sections of the platform. 
  • More analysis tools: This will give our users even more options for their technical analysis.
  • Layout feature (Pro Charts): This will allow users to access charts they have previously created, thus, providing enhanced clarity for the analysis at hand. 
  • Dark mode: This will be easier on the eyes for those who prefer to trade in low-light conditions.

“Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.” – Winston Churchill

This is an exciting development and an important trading feature for investors of all levels of experience. Similar to Churchill’s statement, we are sure that our community will take advantage of these charts to make great investments.