5 Simple Rules for Building a Smart Portfolio

It takes just a couple of clicks to start Copy Trading at a level that suits your budget, your financial goals and your appetite for risk.

Can’t decide who to copy? This short guide will help you start building your smart portfolio in no time.

  1. Treat who you copy like you treat any other investment

where to invest

Decide who to copy like you decide what stock, index or fund to hold.

Choose who fits your strategy by conducting a short analysis based on their Profile: Read what they write about themselves and understand their strategy.

Keep monitoring your smart portfolio to see how each person you copy is performing.

  1. Use our People Search function

people search etoro

Click on “Copy People” in the eToro function bar and then set your preferred parameters to start searching.

When searching, it is important for you to define your investment and trading targets and to ask yourself the following questions:

Are you a stock investor?

Are you a long term investor or short term trader?

Do you want to get exposure to a specific market?

  1. Assess and manage your risk level

eToro’s risk score is an indicator of how exposed your portfolio is to market volatility.

risk score

When you copy someone, your own risk score will be influenced by their own risk score.

Constantly monitor your own risk score. Check the past and present risk scores of the people who you are copying and consider the impact of continuing to copy them.

Add more funds, or transfer funds between copies, whenever necessary.

  1. Diversification is the key word

“Everything in moderation” is the decisive motto.


Use our copy system to get exposure to markets that are usually out of your trading strategy.

Take advantage of our diversified offering, if you already trade or copy a commodities traders, look for someone who trades ETFs, Indices or Stocks.

  1. Trust your copy

trust handshake

Be professional, let the copy work for you.

Don’t go back and forth with your choices, stand behind your copy strategy and expectations.

In times of inactivity be patient – while some calendar events cause a lot of market activity, there are times when the markets are quiet. If in doubt – contact the person you copy via the platform and ask them about their trading forecast.

Click below for a sample search showing results with low risk but positive gains over the last 6 months.

Go to search

Or, login to eToro and experiment with your own searches to find people to copy.