by eToro
Weekly Stock Market Update: Zoom Zooms to new Heights While Tesla Stalls
It has been a big week on the market for companies such as Zoom Video Technologies and Tesla. With...
by Avner Meyrav
How to Heal Yourself & Your Portfolio after a Financial Loss
It is no secret that losses are always a part of the equation when investing or trading in the...
by Avner Meyrav
Split Decision: Discussing the Tesla and Apple Stock Splits
Two of the world’s largest and most popular companies, Apple and Tesla, announced plans in August...
by eToro
Three Scenarios for Stock Investment
Who led the digital transformation in your company? CEO? CFO? CIO? No. It was Covid-19. Sometimes...
by eToro
The deal is on for Charles Schwab
In mid-March, investors around the world were shaken by the seemingly unstoppable spread of...
by eToro
Carvana: The car industry disruptor we’ve been waiting for
In lockdown, we have been fortunate to be able to buy most things online, which has helped keep...
by Adam Vettese
Morgan Stanley CEO upbeat as market awaits Fed announcement
Markets have had a fairly muted open this morning, trickling slightly higher as we await a...
by Adam Vettese
Dow sees biggest fall ever as stocks enter correction territory
Good morning everyone, The global market sell off shows no signs of abating and markets are set...