Luxury goods are in high demand. Should you invest?
While the term “luxury” can be hard to define, it’s not hard to spot luxury goods. Rolex watches,...
Macro Insights: Lessons from earnings season
HALF TIME: US earnings have passed the half-time hump, with Europe catching up fast. There has been...
Macro Insights: Uh-oh it's May
UH-OH: As if investors needed another reason to be cautious right now, it’s nearly May! One of the...
Macro Insights: Fear versus greed
RETEST: Markets are retesting year-to-date lows. The dramatic Fed interest rate pivot has driven up...
Macro Insights: Berkshire leads the Value rebound
MOJO: On Saturday Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B), the largest US non-tech company, will host its...
Macro Insights: The surprising safer haven
NOT JUST NETFLIX: Our ‘work-from-home’ (WFH) stock basket has slumped 23% this year, double the...
Be part of the revolution: eToro’s BatteryTech Smart Portfolio
Our world runs on energy. Whether it's human beings generating their energy from the food they eat,...
Macro Insights: Recession risks in context
LOWER GROWTH: The IMF cut its global real GDP growth forecast for this year from 4.4% to 3.6%, led...
Macro Insights: Looking at ‘alternative’ assets
‘ALT. ASSETS’: Investors are looking for more diversification, with both equities and bonds weaker,...
Macro Insights: Resilience of crypto-ownership
HOW MUCH: Crypto assets continue to rise in popularity, despite their recent price sell-off. 29% of...