by eToro
Luxury goods are in high demand. Should you invest?
While the term “luxury” can be hard to define, it’s not hard to spot luxury goods. Rolex watches,...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: Lessons from earnings season
HALF TIME: US earnings have passed the half-time hump, with Europe catching up fast. There has been...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: Uh-oh it's May
UH-OH: As if investors needed another reason to be cautious right now, it’s nearly May!  One of the...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: Fear versus greed
RETEST: Markets are retesting year-to-date lows. The dramatic Fed interest rate pivot has driven up...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: Berkshire leads the Value rebound
MOJO: On Saturday Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B), the largest US non-tech company, will host its...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: The surprising safer haven
NOT JUST NETFLIX: Our ‘work-from-home’ (WFH) stock basket has slumped 23% this year, double the...
by eToro
Be part of the revolution: eToro’s BatteryTech Smart Portfolio
Our world runs on energy. Whether it's human beings generating their energy from the food they eat,...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: Recession risks in context
LOWER GROWTH: The IMF cut its global real GDP growth forecast for this year from 4.4% to 3.6%, led...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: Looking at ‘alternative’ assets
‘ALT. ASSETS’: Investors are looking for more diversification, with both equities and bonds weaker,...
by Ben Laidler
Macro Insights: Resilience of crypto-ownership
HOW MUCH: Crypto assets continue to rise in popularity, despite their recent price sell-off. 29% of...