Bitcoin mining is bad for climate change. Here’s the solution
In recent years, the Bitcoin ecosystem has experienced enormous growth. Many major organisations...
Macro Insights: Global drought makes water ‘blue gold’
DROUGHT: Nearly 60% of the US is now seeing drought conditions, the most in a decade, and double...
Macro Insights: The long view on semiconductors
CONCERNS: Semiconductor stocks sat out the big tech rally off the June market lows and are among...
Helping you make informed decisions: the Delta Investment Tracker
In our highly technologically advanced world, we are very busy. We are juggling family, work, a...
Driverless cars: coming to a city near you soon
Technology has always played a key role in the car industry. Yet, right now, we are on the cusp of...
Macro Insights: Reassurance from corporate bond markets
MESSAGES: US bond markets are sending contradictory signals. That recession is coming. With 10-yr...
Macro Insights: Energy crisis boosts carbon prices, for now
CREDITS: Carbon allowance (EUA) prices in the European Union emissions trading scheme (ETS) soared...
Macro Insights: Europe in the eye-of-the-storm
EYE-OF-THE-STORM: Record natgas prices, looming energy rationing, drought, stagflation, recession....
Macro Insights: Crypto more popular than stocks, for many
CHANGE: The latest ‘crypto winter’ has started to ease, after the asset class market cap fell -70%...
Macro Insights: Not giving up the latte
COFFEE: Arabica coffee prices have held near decade highs as consumers did not want to give up...