Daily Macro Insights: The impact of Apple
APPLE: Apple (AAPL) is the largest publicly traded stock in the world. Its $2.5 trillion market...
Macro Insights: Saving Europe’s winter
NATGAS: Europe’s natgas prices have surged to 12 times the price last year. After Russia cut its...
Why you should invest in Australian shares
Australia is often called “the lucky country” and it’s easy to see why. The land down under has a...
Macro Insights: Don’t sweat the seasonality
SEASONALITY: September has famously seen the worst S&P 500 returns of the year. These average a...
Bitcoin mining is bad for climate change. Here’s the solution
In recent years, the Bitcoin ecosystem has experienced enormous growth. Many major organisations...
Macro Insights: Global drought makes water ‘blue gold’
DROUGHT: Nearly 60% of the US is now seeing drought conditions, the most in a decade, and double...
Macro Insights: The long view on semiconductors
CONCERNS: Semiconductor stocks sat out the big tech rally off the June market lows and are among...
Helping you make informed decisions: the Delta Investment Tracker
In our highly technologically advanced world, we are very busy. We are juggling family, work, a...
Driverless cars: coming to a city near you soon
Technology has always played a key role in the car industry. Yet, right now, we are on the cusp of...
Macro Insights: Reassurance from corporate bond markets
MESSAGES: US bond markets are sending contradictory signals. That recession is coming. With 10-yr...