Gold having its moment in the sun
RALLY: Gold is having a moment in the sun. Up strongly this year and near its $2,070 all-time multi...
The best and worst of global FX
EAST: European currencies have been both some of the world's strongest, and weakest this year....
Poor sentiment still supports markets
SENTIMENT: The reversal rally this year by the 2022 losers has been painful for most investors who...
Small caps in the cross-hairs
PAIN: Small cap stocks are uniquely exposed to the faster economic growth slowdown that we see...
Banking pressures are not over
VIEW: The March US banking ‘scare’ may seem to be mostly behind us. But many of the macro...
The stubborn inflation mirage
PRICES: US inflation is still the most important number in markets. It drives everything from the...
Big change for world’s biggest commodity
BRENT: Oil is the world’s most traded commodity, and Brent is the pricing benchmark for an...
Commercial real estate not as bad as looks
CRE: Commercial real estate (CRE) is being fingered as the next economic shoe to drop, after the...
The Easter sugar high
EASTER: Our ‘Easter egg’ index of commodity prices used to make (cocoa, sugar, milk) and package...
EUR beyond 1.10 may be hard won
RALLY: Six months is a long time in FX markets. EUR/USD slumped below parity in mid-2022 and...