Making new year’s resolution count

RESOLUTIONS: This year has been one to financially forget for most. Commodities is the only asset glass in the green, and energy one of the few sectors up. But our latest global investor survey shows that 43% will make new financial resolutions for 2023. These are gaining in popularity and are now the 2nd most popular type of resolution. 43% plan to keep a budget, 35% to start investing next year (see chart), and 28% plan to invest more. Whilst financial goals are often some of the hardest to keep, 60% managed to keep them even during a difficult 2022.

SURVEY: We surveyed 25,000 people in 13 countries, from Australia to the USA and across Europe. Financial-related new year resolutions are the 2nd most popular to make. Ahead of fitness, professional and personal development, and social and relationship goals. They are behind only health and wellbeing. An encouraging 60% claimed to meet their goals. For those who failed the common reasons were too many expenses, rising bills, and inflation.

IMPACT: The survey shows retail investors want to take more control of their financial decisions, and plan to be more invested in markets. A high 34% of US household assets are invested in equities. Our survey shows even those like US and UK with the strongest investing cultures have further to go. Whilst others with less of an investing tradition, like Germany and Romania, have a clear appetite for more. This also puts pressure on companies to respond to the specific needs of the growing cohort of retail investors. With better access, engagement, and research.

All data, figures & charts are valid as of 14/12/2022