“You can’t adjust the whole ship every time some wind hits the sails”: Meet Popular Investor Nestor Antonio Armstrong

Not even a global pandemic can slow down this Popular Investor’s plan to beat the Standard & Poor 500 index this year and in the years ahead. Find out exactly how he plans to do it and more in the blog below.

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Tell us a little about yourself. What do you do for a living? For fun? Family?
I’m a 31-year-old Biomedical Engineer with at least 9 years of experience in dealing with financial markets. I’m the older of two sons and happily married since 2019 to the most wonderful woman. As you know, I have a career as a Popular Investor on eToro, but I also own a private business that sells medical parts for imaging equipment. In addition, I also write fiction and am planning to publish a book by the end of 2021.

Where do you do your research on the instruments in which you invest?
I use several official sites online to research my instruments. I also have a tool that allows me easy access to companies’ income statements, quarterly/annual reports, and market value vs. actual value calculations. As a value investor, this tool is priceless.

You’ve been with eToro for a number of years. Did you have previous experience with financial investments before joining eToro?
Sadly, eToro was not the first platform I used for financial investments. In Mexico, two leading companies have platforms for such instruments. But they were (and still are, as far as I understand) very complicated, have abysmal customer service, and are not user-friendly.

Do you have any specific profit goals for each year? How do you achieve/plan to achieve them?
I plan to beat the Standard & Poor 500 index, this year and every single year. In essence, my mission is to beat the market using a combination of stocks and ETFs.

Has eToro changed the way you trade?
In the beginning, before I could get a staple strategy in place, I began copying other investors, trying to see how they moved the instruments. Once eToro invited me to become a Popular Investor and make a career out of it, I became a lot more active.

Have you made any adjustments to your strategy due to the current situation with Covid-19?
Not really. I did change/add one or two stocks/ETFs out there for the sake of a little more diversification, but having a staple strategy means having a longer time frame. You can’t adjust the whole ship every time some wind hits the sails.

What are the benefits of being a Popular Investor?
eToro has enabled me to create a career out of one of my passions, which includes the markets, stocks, and investments. Ever since I began to invest, I became obsessed with outperforming the market, and eToro has given me a great platform to do just that.

Do you have anything to say to your copiers?
Thank you for your continued trust and kind encouragement. I am committed to making your investment grow so that you can enjoy life without the worry of future economic uncertainty.

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