New on eToro OpenBook: Improved Mentions Logic

Hey everyone!

This Sunday, we’re launching yet another version of eToro OpenBook. The main change in this upcoming release is the way our mention system (@username) works, to allow better communication between you and your friends while keeping a clean and clutter free News feed (My Feed).

Let’s check out the new feature:

To help explain, let’s define the users and their relationship:

* Eyal – Has followers and copiers

* Annie – Follows Eyal and has followers

Eyal wishes to post something for Annie that may not be relevant to all his followers.

New Mentions Logic

This doesn’t mean a private post, but something that’s relevant specifically to Annie and if she engages with it, her followers should see it too. Eyal makes sure to tag Annie in the beginning of the post with @Annie. The tag needs to appear at the beginning of the post, and Annie needs to be the only tagged user for this to work.

Annie will receive a notification about the post, and it will appear in her “Mentions” feed, just like before. However, it will not appear on Eyal’s feed, as it would have done previously. Instead, the conversation will be handled on Annie’s wall only. If Annie likes or comments on the post, the post will appear on her “All” feed and her followers will receive a message. Remember, this will not appear on Eyal’s feed, although he will receive the usual notification you receive when someone writes on your post.

If someone tags Eyal in the post, he will get a notification, but the post itself will still not appear on his feed.

For the full map of the new mentions logic, please see this table.

Basically, what we’ve done is give Eyal the option of having a conversation with Annie without sharing it with every single one of his followers, thereby preventing their News feeds from being clogged up with posts that aren’t relevant to them.

However, as you can see from the table, Eyal can choose to tag Annie in a post that he shares with everyone who follows him, by tagging her name anywhere in the post except in the beginning.

In addition, any post where Eyal tags more than one person will also be shared with his followers.

That’s it for the new feature. All that’s left for you to do now is log in to your eToro OpenBook account and check it out!

Your feedback is a key factor in our development process, so please don’t hesitate to tell us what you think of these new updates!