New on eToro OpenBook: First step to clean the News Feed

Hey everyone!

We’ve launched yet another version of eToro OpenBook and took the first step towards cleaning the news feed of unwanted clutter. One of our goals is to make the news feed cleaner and more interesting.

We have many ideas and decided to start with leaving out items that aren’t informative enough. When you follow or copy a trader, trades made by that trader were being automatically published to your news feed. This sometimes made your news feed hard to follow. By removing these items, the news feed will now be much more fluent and engaging.

Lets check it out!

The old news feed

We all know the news feed used to be packed with items like this:
1. Trade items

These items will no longer appear in your news feed. This doesn’t mean they’re gone, you can still go to the investor’s page (for example mine) and checkout their trades:
2. Feed

What’s next?

What if we could read what stood behind the decision of the trader you copy or follow to sell/buy?

We are currently working on the 2nd phase of the process – giving the ability to add insights to trade items. These items will be published to the news feeds of copiers and followers.

All this will be available on The New eToro and if you haven’t signed up yet for early access, now is the time!

Your feedback is a key factor in our development process, so please don’t hesitate to tell us what you think of this new update!