With eToro, you’ll never invest alone

You may have heard about eToro, but did you know it is the world’s leading social investing platform? With more than 25 million users from over 100 countries, eToro has created a community of investors who communicate with one another via our unique social news feed. We’re here to let you know what’s so great about it, and how it can help you to invest. 

The eToro News Feed

To provide our users with a unique, personalised social News Feed, eToro has combined the greatest aspects of the social networking and online investing worlds. The financial instruments and other eToro users you add to your watchlist, customise your default News Feed. You may communicate with other members of the eToro community, create debates, and use the platform in the same way that you would a traditional social network. The following options will appear when you click on the dropdown menu:

  • Live Discussions: Where all real-time interactions taking place on the eToro platform are available.
  • The Public Language Feed: Displays all posts from public profiles in the language of your choice.
  • Saved Posts: You can save posts you see on the news feed, as well as on other people’s or instrument’s pages, and return to them later.
  • Popular Investors: Where you can see the news feed of eToro’s Popular Investors.

Your eToro Profile

Your profile is where you introduce yourself to the community and where people can learn more about you. Simply click on your profile photo, or wherever your profile picture would be, to access your profile (top left-hand corner).

Public profile

Your eToro profile is also where you can get useful statistics about your current and previous investments. If your profile is set to public, you can easily switch between your News Feed, Stats, Portfolio, and Chart tabs on your profile page.

  • Feed: Where you can see your bio and scroll through your own posts and comments.
  • Stats: A detailed analysis of your investment performance, including portfolio composition, risk score, and other factors.
  • Portfolio: This tab displays your portfolio’s composition to the eToro community. This information may be used by some members when considering whether or not to copy you.
  • Chart: The chart tab offers a simulation of what a $10,000 investment would have yielded over the last 12 months, assuming a 60% copy stop loss.

Private profile

We understand that some of our users prefer to keep their financial activities to themselves. Turn on the “Private Profile” switch on your profile if you want to share less information. But where’s the fun in that?

How to get started

Once you complete your registration, you can start following people or instruments, add them to your Watchlist, and post on your feed. Each asset has its own page, where you can see what other people are saying about it. You can share or comment on posts from around the News Feed, and mention people or assets in them, using the @ or $ signs. 

eToro accounts you should follow

The eToro team has created accounts that are meant to make your eToro experience the best it can be. 

  • eToroTeam: Your eToro insiders, here to keep you informed and educated with important information and news.
  • eToroInvestment: The eToro Investment Office is here to enrich your experience with professional content for investors.
  • MarketUpdates: Provides information on important market events such as earnings reports and more.
  • VolatilityAlerts: This lovely bot follows the most recent movements in the financial markets.
  • eToro_Moderation: Here to make sure our users are aware of, and are following the community guidelines. Feel free to tag them if you think a conversation needs reviewing.

The eToro Academy

Now that you know all you need to know to get started on the eToro platform, you can check out the eToro Academy, where you will find courses and guides on everything you need to know to become an investor. 

Looks like you’re all set to begin your eToro journey. Let’s go!