Invest in your Strongest Asset – Your own Websites

Affiliate Pic

Affiliate marketing is a highly competitive business. Affiliates need to exploit every professional edge and marketing tool that they can find as they compete for precious site traffic. Every site visitor is just one click away from leaving your site and visiting your rival’s site. Too many potential FTDs hit the back browser the second that they lose interest – and they lose interest very easily and very quickly. The days when it was possible to open a couple of low maintenance sites and expect a steady income stream are almost gone. Many affiliates with profitable businesses are also missing their real financial potential due to complacency; with a little more effort, they could make a lot more money.

Your Website is your Strongest Asset

The majority of affiliates initially put time and effort – and expense – into creating high quality web sites. They spend time thinking about the layout and hire graphic designers to create attractive site pages and professional writers to write high quality text and persuasive financial content. The goal is to build a highly professional looking site that stands out from its hundreds of rivals. As the site takes off and begins to generate leads and FTDs the site owners begin to take the site for granted and reduce their energy and commitment to site maintenance and development. The investment begins to be neglected.

A good affiliate site always needs to appear fresh, relevant and dynamic. Boring pages, links to last year’s news events and out of date platform reviews will not persuade the casual site visitor to register with eToro. Even people who have already decided to trade, and are actively seeking a broker, are unlikely to be convinced by a stagnant site with tired and mediocre content. Your site needs to always be one step ahead of the competition and should be a powerful gateway to online trading.

Your Affiliate Manager is your Strongest Ally

A simple (and time – effective) way to keep your site in the fast lane is to talk to your affiliate manager regularly. eToro is a rapidly growing brand with a very high public profile and some serious money behind it.  We are working hard to use our existing success to generate even better results in the future. The eToro Marketing Team is leading the way in providing new creatives, high converting marketing materials, professionally written content, as well as both marketing and technical advice.  eToro affiliates have a significant inbuilt advantage over people promoting most other brands – but you have to exploit this advantage to really profit from it. Your affiliate manager will review your site, tell you about new marketing tools and advise you how to use them effectively. You have a free business advisor and assistant on hand at all times. Unfortunately a lot of affiliates don’t take advantage of the help that’s on offer.

Create an Update Schedule

It pays to create a monthly schedule for updating your sites. Just setting aside an hour a week allows for major improvements. The first thing to remember is that eToro is a dynamic, high energy brand that is continually improving and evolving. There are always new platform features, new assets, new Popular Investors, media articles and trading opportunities. Keep up to date with the news and publicise it aggressively on your site. Use a checklist to update systematically and ensure that you are making use of every possible marketing tool.


  eToro news:

1.      New platform and site features

2.      New tradeable assets

3.      Reductions in spreads

4.      New promotions and offers

5.      eToro in the media & at financial events

6.      Popular Investors in the news

7.      Brand and platform reviews

Marketing Materials:

1.      Install new banners

2.      Link to new landing pages

3.      Embed YouTube films

4.      Connect to social media

5.      Add screenshots and photos from events

Financial Content

1.      Am I covering the latest financial events?

2.      Is my site truly relevant to online trading?

3.      Does my site contain enough financial info to capture the interest of potential traders?

4.      Is my site authoritative and trust building– or does it need a financial makeover?

5.      Does my site appeal to both absolute beginners and experienced traders?


If you want to update and improve your site, and create web pages that are more conversion orientated, talk to us today. We’re here to help and have the professional knowledge, expertise and resources to get things done!