Get to know an Elite Popular Investor: Wesley Nolte

He’s already a Chief Technology Officer of an up-and-coming startup, but that doesn’t stop Wesley Nolte from being a self-taught eToro Popular Investor with plans to beat the S&P 500 by at least 20% year-on-year. If you want to understand how check out his interview.

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Your Capital is at Risk

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.I immigrated to London from Durban, South Africa in 2008. The financial crisis had just taken hold, and getting a job was nearly impossible. I was broke within 2 months.

    Since then I’ve helped fledgling startups, as well as leading global teams in some of the world’s largest businesses. I’m a published author and love writing in general. I’m a voracious reader and consider myself an informal student of economics, psychology, philosophy, and sociology. Right now I’m the CTO of a startup called SalesTrip.

    In my spare time (what’s that? haha) I run and cycle. I have two young children so I don’t get much sleep.

    I joined eToro in May of 2015 and the Popular Investor Program about a year and a half later. At that time, I thought you had to pay to join the Program (but you actually end up getting paid).

  2. Tell us about your financial background.All of my financial experience is self-taught. Between 1999 and 2009 I tried my hand at stock trading, almost always losing money in the process. I learned a lot through these mistakes and continued to study the great investors and traders. Around 2010 I developed the beginnings of the approach I use today.
    1. What is your strategy and have you changed it recently to adapt to the volatile markets? Where do you do your research? 

    I have a single strategy although I emphasize components of it when market conditions change e.g. I’m almost always net long but during volatile periods I will do a lot more short-term trading than usual. I also tend to hold a little more cash than non-volatile periods and will use leverage now-and-again.

    1. How has eToro changed the way you trade? 

    Being responsible for a significant amount of AUM means I must perform well while minimizing risk. In order to do this, I’ve needed to become an expert in several areas – fundamental analysis, technical analysis, economics, and several industries. Today I have a much better understanding of how markets and macroeconomics work, and a much better process for analyzing stocks.

    1. Which assets or industries do you have your eye on now?

    The next set of mega-caps like the FAANGs (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) are out there today, and I’m going to find them. I’m looking for them in biotech, space-tech, artificial intelligence, and robotics. I believe the next wave of the industrial revolution will be born out of those 4 “industries”.

    1. What was your favorite investment over the past 12 months?

    Hmm, tough one. A fun, fairly risky trade was $NCLH in May. Risky because it’s a cruise line company, and the world was locked down but their share price was insane. I ended up making nearly 100% in a month.

    Note gains and returns such as these are not typical and all investment involves risking your capital.

    1. Do you invest in any asset classes outside of stocks, commodities and crypto?

    Yes, I do. I invest in private companies e.g. Monzo, Future Bricks, All plants; and the London property market.

    1. What is your long term trading goal?

    My goal each year is to beat the S&P 500 by at least 20%, but my ultimate goal is to turn my current balance of about $50k into $1,000,000.

    1. Any message to copiers or potential copiers?

    Many of you have been with me for years. I’d like to thank you for sticking it out, this is the ideal way to copy my portfolio. Some of you have been with me for much shorter, and I thank you for your confidence but encourage you to hold for the long-term. For those that are thinking of copying me, feel free to send me questions on eToro.

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