A Look Back at the Past Month
CRISPR CopyFund launch was a huge success among eToro investors
This CopyFund was launched on January 8th and was a smash hit with the eToro community, attracting more than 1,000 investors in its first week alone. It is no wonder it was such a success, as CRISPR, an innovative gene editing tool, is one of the most exciting fields in biotechnology. This portfolio provides exposure to the companies investing in, and developing, CRISPR technology.
Trump’s tax bill
While 2017 was an historic year on Wall Street, bringing the US market to new heights, President Trump started 2018 with a bang, by giving large corporations another boost. His tax reform significantly reduced corporate taxes, sending stock markets higher.
Cryptocurrency crackdown
The crypto market turned bearish in 2018. China and South Korea have taken measures to limit crypto trading and reports suggest they might extend the crackdown further. As a result, the cryptocurrency market tumbled, drifting away from the all-time highs seen last December.
Some of eToro’s CopyFunds continued to beat the benchmarks over the past month. Here’s one worth looking at:
Upcoming Market Events in February

February 20th, 2018
The UK Parliament’s Treasury Committee holds the committee’s quarterly hearings. The Bank of England Governor, together with members of the Monetary Policy Committee, testify in front of the Treasury on the status of inflation and the monetary outlook. These hearings could create volatility for financial instruments such as the FTSE and Pound Sterling.

March 4th, 2018
The last week of February could be very volatile ahead of the general election, held once every 5 years, which will shape the next Italian government. The Italian people will vote for 630 members for the Chamber of Deputies, and 315 members for the Senate, from which the government will be formed. The election’s outcome could have a tremendous impact on the Italian economy, and on the European Union as a whole.
Popular Investors
That Are Worth Following This Month
Nine new Popular Investors reached the level of Champion in December. Here are two new Popular Investors rising through the ranks of the program. Check out their profiles:
For Gonzalo from Argentina, trading and investing is all about reading up and practicing before making a decision. His low-risk score, long-term holding strategy and diversified portfolio are all part of his plan of eventually reaching the Elite level of the Popular Investor program.
Sally is a UK-based trader who recently made large profits due to her holdings in XRP and various stocks. She has a unique portfolio in that she also trades the Swiss Franc. You can review her prediction in the 2018 Popular investor predictions.