Research and low risk: Meet Popular Investor JonasBarrelov

Jonas from Sweden discovered his love of trading and investing when he joined eToro. He spends a lot of his time doing research and is enjoying the benefits of being a Popular Investor. We asked him to share some information about his trading style and strategy:

Check out JonasBarrelov’s stats

66% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

  1. Tell us a little about yourself. What do you do for a living? For fun? Family?

My name is Jonas Barrelöv, I’m 26 years old and live in a small town in the north of Sweden called Gällivare. I work as a mechanical engineer for a company that makes gearboxes, girth gears, and condition monitoring equipment.

In my free time, when I’m not researching companies, I like to drive snowmobiles in the winter and play golf during the summer.

  1. Where do you do your research on the instruments in which you invest?

Since technology is a large part of my portfolio and one of my interests, I spend a lot of time on different tech blogs to keep up to date on all tech news and rumours.

Other pages I spend some time on are Marketwatch, a Swedish page called Avanza and of course I “Google” a lot.

  1. Did you have previous experience with financial investments before joining eToro?

My parents had set up some investment portfolios for me when I was a kid, but the first time I tried trading for myself was on eToro.

I feel like eToro is a really great place to start investing. You can copy experienced traders, and the user-friendly interface, which has information that is easy to reach, is a huge plus.

  1. What profit % would you like to end the year with and how do you plan to do so?

My goal is around 20%, and I believe that the key to that is to analyse the markets, keep up with all the news from, and about, the companies I invest in, and to keep a close eye on the ongoing US-China trade disputes.

  1. How has eToro changed the way you trade?

Since eToro was the first place I traded, I can’t say how I would have traded if I started someplace else. But I think eToro has been a really good place to learn while keeping my risk low.

  1. What is your type of trading strategy and what is it focused on?

My trading strategy is finding companies that are going to be gaining in the long run, so there’s a lot of research done to try to figure out where companies are going. I have also started adding some technical analysis to help determine the right time to buy or sell.

  1. What are the benefits of being a Popular Investor?

One benefit is the financial aspect. But I also feel a lot of pressure (in a good way) to make good and responsible trades for all my copiers. Therefore, I always want to increase my gains so I can get even better results for my copiers.

It’s always fun to be able to help other traders and answering questions they might have.

So even though I might not be the most social trader, I always like to get questions and I try to answer them as best I can.

Check out JonasBarrelov’s stats

66% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.