Meet Popular Investor JianSwang

Jian Lim is a Popular Investor on the eToro platform (who goes under the name JianSwang), and who is focused on proving that anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to learn the investment field can become a successful investor. Lim, who learned investing on his own, and now with more than eight years’ experience, believes he is living proof of this idea. Jian has found a home with eToro and praises the platform for providing easy access to so many different financial assets on one platform. In our interview, Jian emphasises the importance of being patient when approaching investments, which is key for getting through the difficult times. 

View Jian Swang’s Profile

Tell us a little about yourself!

I have been investing in the stock markets for over eight years and employ a top-down strategy. This means I explore the possibilities about the future macrotrends, and identify promising companies based on that.

Tell us about your financial background.

Although I have eight years of experience in investing, the reality is that one can never or should never stop learning about the ever-changing conditions happening in society. Recently, I completed a Certificate in International Advanced Wealth Management by CISI and a Certificate in Foundations of Financial Risk (FFR) by GARP. This is in addition to my degree from the London School of Economics (LSE). At the end of the day, the goal is to continue learning as much as possible.

What is your strategy and have you changed it recently to adapt to the volatile markets? Where do you do your research?

I mainly focus on long-term equity investing. Nonetheless, I review my investments periodically and consistently to ensure that the industries I invest in are still fundamentally relevant, as part of my efforts to adapt to the volatile markets. I conduct research through many financial publications including newspapers, articles, journals and more. I very much enjoy the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and The Economist, all of which eToro provides to its Popular Investors. 

I also find it extremely important to learn by talking to people in industries where I am looking to invest. Their inside knowledge of the industry can be indispensable in gaining a deeper understanding of that specific industry and the direction it is going in.  

How has eToro impacted the way you trade?

I am very fortunate that I found eToro as a platform for my investing journey. The platform is extremely accommodating in that stocks in different markets all over the world are all available on a single platform. I will definitely continue to use eToro as my main investment platform.

Which assets or industries do you have your eye on now?

I am particularly interested to see how the competition between electric vehicle (EV) companies will turn out. Other than that, I am looking at the chips industry, the digital advertising industry and the metaverse concept that everyone is talking about. 

What was your favourite trade over the past 12 months?

I have been focusing on the EV industry as I saw the trend shifting from petrol cars to electric cars. Despite the volatility, Tesla is definitely still my favourite.

Do you invest in any asset classes outside of stocks, commodities and crypto?

No. I mainly invest in stocks which will remain the major component of my portfolio for long-term investment.

What is your long-term trading goal?

I aim to outperform big-name investors. While that goal stands by itself, for me it’s also about proving that retail investors willing to put in the effort to learn the field are capable of being highly successful investors. 

Any message to copiers or potential copiers?

First, patience is the key in investing! Second, it is never too late to begin investing. 

For potential copiers, I would say that if you are interested in investing in the stock market, consider copying me. I would be honoured to bring you along my learning and investing journey. Bear in mind that there are ups and downs in markets, which can be difficult emotionally. The important thing to remember is that patience is key when investing long-term.

View Jian Swang’s Profile

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