Here’s how Xavier86 taught himself to trade and became a Popular Investor

This Popular Investor from Cameroon in Central Africa has been with eToro since early 2013, and has had four straight profitable years. The bulk of his portfolio is composed of tech stocks, which he calls “the market of the future,” and his strategy involves holding assets for months at a time. Here’s an interview we recently held with him:

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All trading involves risk. Only risk capital you’re prepared to lose. This is not investment advice.

  1. Tell us about yourself
    Hello, I am Alain Xavier Kuetche Soh, Alain Xavier (or simply Xavier to my web-entrepreneur friends). Today I am a Popular Investor on the eToro trading platform. I have made at least 30% positive earnings on eToro for 4 consecutive years now.I have not always been a Popular Investor or stock market investment expert (even today, I do not present myself as an EXPERT, but as a person who continues to learn and grow with others, offering them the best of my experience). I may be one of those people who made too many investment mistakes before joining eToro. I’ll explain why below, but before that, I’ll tell you more about my journey.I am a Systems Administrator (in training). In 2009, parallel to my activity as a computer technician, I began to take an interest in digital companies. This is how I trained in internet marketing and I started to invest in 2012, using the income from my digital marketing activity. At first, it was a catastrophe. I lost everything by choosing the wrong methods, without training, and especially, the wrong platforms. I found myself at square one. I will tell you more below…
  2. Did you have previous experience with financial investments before joining eToro?
    As I explained above, I invested my first earnings from my web activity on a binary trading platform (after having done a small amount of studying). What a mistake! I lost everything within 24 hours.I was so ashamed that I did not even dare to speak to my wife about it. Some months later, I invested 500 Euro again and lost it all again. So I decided to stop.But I still had a real  desire to invest and I decided to learn from my trading mistakes and build a real investment strategy. I did not want to be a simple trader who buys and closes within an hour, but a real investor, investing over time.So I decided to train first, and find a platform that would be consistent with my new investment strategy. It was then that I discovered eToro, following a search on the internet. The platform attracted me right away when I learned that I could  simply copy experienced investors.
  3. Why did you choose to join eToro?
    I was attracted to the platform because I could track and copy experienced traders. I said to myself, “Hey Xavier, if you still doubt your strategy and want to invest, you can copy the traders who are already performing well.”It is then that I started CopyTrading in 2013 and made my first deposit. I started to apply my strategy in a reserved way. I was not sure if it would work, but I was committed to do everything to make it work.Thus, by optimizing and testing, I was able to develop my own method which has enabled me to make at least 30% positive gains on eToro for 4 consecutive years. That simply means it works. I renamed the method “INVESTIR MALIN” (I also created a video training course in which I show, step by step, how I invest to be sure that it brings the gains.
  4. What are the key benefits of using eToro?
    The first benefit is undoubtedly the ability to copy experienced investors. Although I copy very little, I think it is a big advantage for people who want to invest, yet know little about it. You don’t need to spend  months training and at the same time, you are minimizing risk.The second advantage is, of course, the simplicity with which one can make deposits, open a position and close it. On eToro, we have control over everything in real time.
  5. What is your type of trading strategy and what is it focused on?
    So here’s the most interesting point. Many people think it is possible to generate wealth in a few clicks, just by buying and selling within a few minutes. I have nothing against these people, it’s their strategy, but I do not have solid enough nerves to play this game, and I am also committed to other activities. Notably in digital marketing and writing books (I am the author of several books published on Amazon).My strategy is to focus on the medium-to-long term. I carefully select the companies in which I want to invest after a careful and quick analysis through my smart investing method. Then I just invest.I could detail my strategy in 3 simple steps:1 – Find a business.2 – See if the company has achieved good results over a given period (ah, I know that the pseudo stock market experts will tell me: my friend, past results are not a guarantee of good future results). But I have a question: is it more logical to invest in a company that has made  money for years (a sign of good management) or in a company that has been losing money year after year (a sign of mismanagement)? The answer to this question is obvious.3 – Once the selection has been made, all I have to do is invest after, of course, analyzing  the stock performance.

    I concentrate mainly on equities, especially stocks of technology companies. I believe that technology is the future. I call this sector, “Market of the Future.” Everything today revolves around technology and this is one of the reasons that I feel it will continue to grow.

    I diversify as much as possible to have a balanced portfolio. You should not put all your eggs in one basket.

  6. What are the benefits of being a Popular Investor and what is your long-term goal as one?Simply put, it’s nice to know that several thousand people can benefit from my work. I have always enjoyed making use of what I know for the benefit of as many people as possible. When I had the opportunity of becoming a Popular Investor at eToro, I realized that the time to help the most people had arrived and that I had to do it.The opportunity to get paid and get other benefits is very tempting but what motivates me most is knowing that through my actions, several thousand people around the world will earn money.Of course, my long-term goal is to become one of the best investors in the world, like Warren Buffett and the likes. My wife laughs every time I tell her that perhaps I’ll become the majority shareholder of Google. You will probably also tell me that it’s not possible. But even if it’s a crazy bet, it’s still one of my goals. I hear you laughing too, but that’s fine.Most importantly, my current goal remains to allow my copiers to earn as much money as possible. I have been making the effort to stay profitable for the last 8 months and this effort is ongoing.
  7. What are your hobbies?
    I  write articles on my blogs, create online videos (a few times), write books (several), and of course analyze the companies that need to be added to my portfolio.Working from home gives me great freedom. I spend more time with my family and it is very pleasant.The final piece of advice that I can give anyone wishing to invest is to start copying a person who already has good results over at least two consecutive years. Then, train yourself seriously before you start investing, to avoid making the same mistakes that cost me all my savings in my early trading days.

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All trading involves risk. Only risk capital you are prepared to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Trading history presented is less than 5 years and may not suffice as basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.