“Forget about trying to time the market”: Meet Popular Investor Lena Birse

Rather than seeing the coronavirus pandemic as a reason to stop investing, Popular Investor Lena Birse (@Onegirl) sees it as an opportunity. She has a long-term stock strategy and plans on buying what she sees as quality stocks at a discount. We asked her some questions about her investment strategy and personal life.

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Tell us a little about yourself. What do you do for a living? For fun? Family?

Apart from being a Popular Investor, I also work as a digital content creator, where I help brands gain exposure on social media platforms. I am lucky that both my jobs are also my hobbies. I am also married with two boys.

Where do you do your research on the instruments in which you invest?

I use the Internet for research. I like websites such as The Motley Fool, The Street and the eToro platform, which has a lot of useful information in the Research tab. However, the most important thing I do is follow companies’ quarterly earnings reports.

You’ve been with eToro for a number of years. Did you have previous experience with financial investments before joining eToro?

No previous experience. I am completely self-taught.

Do you have any specific profit goals for each year? How do you achieve/plan to achieve them?

I don’t plan goals on a yearly basis, but I do for the next 3-5 years, which is to double my investment. I plan to achieve this by making sure I am buying shares of the best companies which will eventually give me the best potential return on my investment.

Has eToro changed the way you trade?

Yes. It has made it easier for me to spread my investments over many companies, as I am able to buy fractional shares. This is great for my portfolio management.

Have you made any adjustments to your strategy due to the current situation with Covid-19?

Yes. I have been adding more funds than I usually do to take advantage of the huge sell-off in the stock market, which I am seeing as a buying opportunity.

What are the benefits of being a Popular Investor?

The social side. I really love sharing my investing journey with my fellow copiers.

Do you have anything to say to your copiers?

Yes. Forget about trying to time the market and continue to stick with our long-term investing plan.

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