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Invest in Omega Healthcare Investors Inc
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Buy Omega Healthcare Investors Inc
Buy Omega Healthcare Investors Inc
Omega Healthcare Investors Inc OHI
Analyst Forecast
This 12-month forecast is based on a composite of analyst projections. Based on analysts with a rating of 4+ stars. This is not a prediction made by eToro nor is it investment advice.
Price Target
Based on analysts who covered OHI
Stocks-OHI-Omega Healthcare Investors Inc

Omega Healthcare Investors Inc OHI


OHI Stock Price Chart

Past Month
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*Past performance is not an indication of future results
Asset positive trend

The Omega Healthcare Investors Inc share price is rising this week.

A ‘rising’ price indicates that the weekly price has increased by more than 0.5%.
A price ‘on the decline’ indicates that the weekly price has decreased by more than 0.5%.
A ‘stable’ price indicates that the change in weekly price is between -0.5% and 0.5%.
The Omega Healthcare Investors Inc share price today is $36.77, reflecting a ‎0.52‎% change over the last 24 hours and ‎2.34‎% over the past week. The current market capitalization of OHI is 10.36B with an average volume in the last three months of 2.09M. The stock has a P/E ratio of 24.03 and a dividend yield of 7.08%. With the stock’s beta sitting at 0.48
Market Cap
Total value of all asset shares, calculated by multiplying the price by the total number of outstanding shares.

Day’s Range
Shows the high and low prices of the day.
35.82 - 38.05

52W Range
Shows the high and low prices of the last year.
27.48 - 44.27

Average Volume (3M)
The average number of shares traded per day over the last three months.

Price-Earnings Ratio
The result of this asset’s share price divided by its earnings per share.

The total income generated by this company’s goods and services last year.

Dividend (Yield)
How much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its stock price.
2.68 (7.08%)

Prev Close
The final price of this asset at the end of the last trading day.

A company’s total earnings divided by the number of shares it has issued.

A measure of whether any asset does, or doesn’t, experience price moves in line with the broader market.

What Is Omega Healthcare Investors Inc?
Established in 1992, Omega Healthcare Investors Inc is a real estate investment trust that mainly invests in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. Its portfolio of properties is managed by a broad collection of healthcare organisations, with the majority of its leases being triple-net leases. Its assets are located across the United States and the United Kingdom. The company is headquartered in Hunt Valley, Maryland.

Omega Healthcare works with 63 growth-oriented operators in the US and the UK, advancing its development objectives via a $1.45bn unsecured lending facility and established access to the world's major public equity and debt markets. Overall, the company focuses on financing operators of skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and assisted living facilities (ALFs), as well as independent living, rehabilitation, and acute care facilities.

Omega is traded on the NYSE under the ticker OHI. In 2021, Omega was ranked in the top 30 of all REITs in terms of 10-year total shareholder return for the eleventh consecutive year. With its focus on the long-term healthcare sector, Omega announced in March 2021 that it had acquired Connected Living, a technology platform that seeks to help ageing communities better connect and communicate with one another.

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Buy Omega Healthcare Investors Inc
Invest in Omega Healthcare Investors Inc
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The current price of OHI is $36.77.
The average price target for Omega Healthcare Investors Inc is $36.77. Sign up to eToro for detailed analyst forecasts and price targets.
Analysts offer forecasts for Omega Healthcare Investors Inc based on market trends, financial reports and projected growth. Check the latest forecast for future price movements.
The market capitalisation of Omega Healthcare Investors Inc is $10.36B
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