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Trade Hedera Hashgraph
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Buy Hedera Hashgraph
Buy Hedera Hashgraph
Hedera Hashgraph HBAR
Cryptocurrencies-HBAR-Hedera Hashgraph

Hedera Hashgraph Price HBAR


HBAR Price Chart

Past Month
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Asset negative trend

The Hedera Hashgraph price is on the decline this week.

A ‘rising’ price indicates that the weekly price has increased by more than 0.5%.
A price ‘on the decline’ indicates that the weekly price has decreased by more than 0.5%.
A ‘stable’ price indicates that the change in weekly price is between -0.5% and 0.5%.
The Hedera Hashgraph price today is 0.18, a ‎0.48‎% change in the last 24 hours and ‎-1.39‎% in the past week. Hedera Hashgraph’s 24-hour trading volume is 213.79M and its current market capitalization is 7.67B. Hedera Hashgraph price changed by ‎58.5‎% in the past year.
Market Cap
The total value of a cryptoasset, found by multiplying the price by the total number of coins in circulation.

Day's Range
Shows the high and low prices of the day.
0.18 - 0.2

52 Week Range
Shows the high and low prices of the last year.
0.04 - 0.4

Volume (1D)
A measure of how much of an asset was traded in the last day.

Market Rank
This crypto’s rank against other crypto by market cap.

All time high
The highest recorded price of an asset since its launch.

All time low
The lowest recorded price of an asset since its launch.

Price Change YTD
The amount the price of an asset has changed in the current calendar year.

What Is Hedera Hashgraph?
Initially released in 2017, Hedera tokens (HBAR) are used as the digital currency of Hedera Hashgraph. They are a public distributed ledger, which was built with the aim of supporting new and existing applications that allow for quick and inexpensive collaborations. Hedera provides the same services as public blockchains, but in a way that is more stable and secure as well as faster and more energy efficient. Hedera Hashgraph LLC is based in the US and governed by 39 global enterprises across multiple industries. Governing members include Boeing, Google, and IBM.

HBAR has surprised many investors in digital assets with its performance. In June 2021 the cryptocurrency was showing an annual growth rate of more than 800%. This made it one of the most popular and fast-growing altcoins in the market, with a market cap of over $2bn. While it is impossible to predict the future value of any digital asset, there are many investors who will be closely watching future HBAR price movements.

Monitor the value of the HBAR price chart on eToro by adding this cryptoasset to your portfolio.

How can I buy Hedera Hashgraph ?

To purchase Hedera Hashgraph:

Create an eToro account:

Sign up for an eToro account and verify your identity.

Deposit funds:

Deposit funds into your eToro account using your preferred payment method.

Search and purchase:

Search the Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) page and place an order to buy Hedera Hashgraph.
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Buy Hedera Hashgraph
Trade Hedera Hashgraph
Create an eToro account to buy and sell Hedera Hashgraph on a secure, user-friendly crypto trading platform.


The current price of Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) is 0.18
The market capitalisation of Hedera Hashgraph is 7.67B
Hedera Hashgraph's all-time high is 0.43
Hedera Hashgraph has a 24-hour trading volume of 213.79M
Select the "1D" or "1W" timeframe on the eToro chart and zoom out to see the historical price movements of Hedera Hashgraph. The price of Hedera Hashgraph has ranged between 0.04 and 0.4 over the last year.
To buy Hedera Hashgraph, visit the "Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)" page. Once you have created an account and deposited funds, click the "Trade" button and decide how much Hedera Hashgraph you want to purchase. You can also place an order that will buy Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) at a specific price in the future.
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