Lonza Group was founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps. This integrated healthcare solutions company operates through two business segments: Pharma Biotech and Nutrition, and Specialty Ingredients.
The company has more than 100 sites and offices located in Belgium, Brazil, China, the Czech Republic, France, Japan, India, Mexico, Spain, the UK, the US , and other countries. Lonza Group employs approximately 15,500 full-time employees worldwide.
The company offers preventive healthcare solutions, as well as solutions that improve patients’ healthcare by supporting customers and treat or even cure severe diseases. Company solutions are related to primary and stem cells, CellBio services, culture media and reagents, 3D culture products, ADME and toxicology, transfection, cell analysis, electrophoresis, endotoxin detection, and other areas.
In 2019, the company announced New LPBN projects confirmed with Alector, AstraZeneca, Gamida Cell, and several other biopharmaceutical partners worldwide. The company’s financial results for the first half year of fiscal 2019 included reported sales of 6.4% and CORE EBITDA growth of 7.7%. Follow and trade LONN.ZU for more news and updates.