by Callie Cox
Cash’s big blind spot
Holding a stack of cash always makes you feel some type of way. The crinkled paper in your hand,...
by Callie Cox
Retail stocks: naughty or nice?
Is it too early to talk about Christmas? Not if you’re Mariah Carey — or if you’re invested in...
by eToro
eToro U.S. CEO Lule Demmissie Appointed to FINRA Fintech Committee
November 08, 2023 – Trading and investing platform eToro is today announcing that U.S. CEO Lule...
by Callie Cox
The Fed’s big balancing act
The Federal Reserve has been fighting inflation — and investors — for a year and a half now. ...
by Callie Cox
Bringing the VIX back from the dead
It’s spooky season, and fear seems to be everywhere. Under your bed, around the corner, and in...
by Bret Kenwell
How to prepare for a volatile market
It’s one thing to expect volatility, but it’s another to actually prepare for violent swings....
by Callie Cox
Breaking points
Today, there are two big numbers you should care about in markets: 5% and 200. 5% is the level...
by Callie Cox
Sweating the small-cap stocks
We talk a lot about the S&P 500 — the index of the 500 largest stocks on the US market. And...