FOLO Outweighs FOMO as Retail Investors Rethink Risk
New data finds that investors’ fear of losing out (FOLO) when investing outweighs their fear of...
eToro Opens Up Interest On Cash to Empower Everyday Investors
New feature offers 4.9% APR on eToro Options account cash balances for U.S. users
November 29,...
eToro U.S. CEO Lule Demmissie Appointed to FINRA Fintech Committee
November 08, 2023 – Trading and investing platform eToro is today announcing that U.S. CEO Lule...
U.S. Retail Investors are riding the market’s AI wave, finds new eToro data
26% of U.S. retail investors view digital transformation like AI to be a long-term theme in the...
Recession concerns and return of student loan payments not derailing U.S. investor confidence, eToro...
6 out of 10 retail investors say they are still on track to achieve their investing goals...
Bret Kenwell Joins Trading and Investing Platform eToro as Options Analyst
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - Trading and investment platform eToro, is today announcing the...
Bitcoin’s court victory
Today, the crypto world got one step closer to a Bitcoin ETF.
Grayscale won its lawsuit against...
A lesson on market momentum
Isaac Newton taught us that an object in motion stays in motion — unless an external force comes in...
Four in ten U.S. retail investors use or are open to using Chat GPT-style AI to help pick and manage...
41% of retail investors are open to using or are already using AI to pick or alter investments...
U.S. retail investors see wealth-building opportunities as the market rallies
9 out of 10 retail investors plan on investing more or the same amount over the next 3 months...