Meet Popular Investor of the month, Glenn Doherty

Meet Glenn Doherty, a travel and crypto fanatic, and a Popular Investor on eToro. Learn more about Glenn in this latest Q and A, and check out his profile here.

  1. Who was the most influential person to you in the world of finance? 

Currently, I like to follow Raoul Pal, as he is a visionary more than someone with trading techniques. I have not really followed anyone as far as finance goes. I learn from my own mistakes.

  1. What is your investment thesis?

My investment philosophy is to be ready for any opportunity. Be patient, you don’t have to be all in. Have resources available to call upon when opportunity arrives. When I got into crypto in 2017, it was a HUGE opportunity for me that has changed my life and created generational wealth. And it’s not over. There’s still tons of opportunity, as it’s still so early in the game.

  1. How did you get introduced to crypto?

It was just me surfing the web. I think I started with cloud crypto mining, but that was my first step. I joined groups and started to learn. I have invested in tons of flops, and they have all made me stronger and wiser. I am at a place now where my contemporaries reach out to me for advice, several of whom copy me on eToro. I am older, so there are not a lot of people in my demographic that know what I know when it comes to crypto.

  1. What are you looking forward to most in the future regarding crypto?

I look forward to all the crazy evolution that is coming to the digital world. It’s all changing so fast, and I want to stay on top of it all. I bought Decentraland parcels in 2018, which I still have.

Also, I want to be part of the Metaverse. When NFTs broke into our space with OpenSea last year, my private Discord group went all-in and I joined (even though technically my DL parcels are NFTs). Some of my NFTs have lost value, but I have a few gems in there. I also really like the DAO experience, and I think this will be so huge in the future. As Raoul Pal likes to say, it’s really going to be about the community, and social crypto products are going to be a game changer. So I like all these new experiments and am eager to try them all.