Supporting Female Popular Investors: Jordan Baker

In honor of Women’s History Month, we wanted to find out more about our female Popular Investors and the impact they make on our community. Jordan Baker is one our most copied investors, a brilliant mind in the crypto space, and someone to consider putting on your radar. Learn more about her in this Q&A.

Q: You have thousands of people following your financial advice. How does it feel?
A: I don’t think of my following as a large fleet and rather think of each individual I have had conversations with. We are all here for the same purpose — security. When we open our investment portfolio, we are each asking ourselves “Am I safe?” In each post and conversation, I aim to answer that question in the same manner I would speaking one-on-one with any friend or loved one and do my best to extend what I have learned in ways that are helpful.

Q: What does it mean to you to empower women to invest?
A: It is surreal to be named as someone who empowers other women to invest, given that I originally sought out investment education tools for myself out of insecurity within my own finances. I spent most of my twenties flying by the seat of my pants. I worked hard for my money, but did not understand how to make my money work hard for me. Once I took control of my finances in a way that empowered me to feel and act as the best version of myself, extending that out to others felt natural. We are each worthy of the self-respect that owning our own finances gifts us. To be any small part of empowering women to grow, get curious, and take control of their money brings me great joy. The more confident women in the world, the better the world we live in.

Q: Investing was primarily a male-dominant industry. Why do you think that dynamic is changing?
A: Wise and savvy women have been contributing to household success and building generational wealth for centuries. With the invention of social trading venues, such as eToro, we are now able to see the faces of women who have been investing and managing their wealth portfolios, thus making women far more visible. That being said; we have been here all along.

Q: What are you most hopeful about when it comes to women in the investing space?
A: Women have a special camaraderie that leaves ego at the door and lifts one another up. I hope to see this unique connection that women share encouraging a new league of successful investors. We are building a new generation who are brave, generous, and aim for the best versions of themselves, while inspiring others to aim for the same.

Q: Why would you encourage other women to consider becoming a Popular Investor on eToro?
A: Becoming a Popular Investor with eToro allows you to broadcast your own expertise while, in tandem, championing others forward as well.

Q: What are your top 3 tips for female investors, or those who want to start investing?

  1. Don’t try to keep up with what’s trendy. Choose solid key assets tied to technology that has a long runway for growth. Boring growth is the best. Fall in love with boring.
  2. Don’t panic sell at a loss. Ever. Once you choose your key assets and invest in them, stay committed. Price will ebb and flow.
  3. Don’t get obsessed. When stressed — step away and “just do nothing.” Checking those prices 37 times a day is not going to make you feel better. Going outside for a run or meeting a girlfriend for a drink? That will.