Stock InvestingStrategies
Our free online stock investment course will teach you how to find the right stocks to invest in. Discover how to create a stock investment and valuation strategy that suits your overall goals.
What will I learn?
- How fundamental analysis works
- How to value a stock’s potential
- About the different investment strategies
- The difference between value and growth investing
- Why hedging is important for risk management
Who is this course for?
- Individuals looking to further their understanding of stock investments
- Experienced investors interested in learning how to choose the right stock
- Traders looking to implement a longer-term investment strategy
Course contents
Fundamental Analysis for Investing
The 3 Financial Reports
Understanding Multiples and Ratios
Understanding Valuation Methods
Investment Strategies Explained
Passive and Dividend Investment Strategies
How to Develop a Value Investing Strategy
How to Develop a Growth Investing Strategy
What is Hedging and How Does it Work?
Stock Investing Strategies: Course Summary
For those interested in learning how to create a stock investment strategy, have a look at our expertly curated stock investing strategies course. Discover some of the most popular investment strategies, learn how to value a stock, and decide whether it fits your investment style or not.
The stock investing strategies course has been produced with the specific intention of educating individuals on the fundamentals of stock investments. Whether you are brand new to investing or want to expand your existing knowledge, this course contains plenty of information that can help.
Read through the articles — or pick and choose those that are most relevant to you — and then test your understanding at the end to see how much you have learned!

Ready to start investing?
Create an eToro account to access a range of financial instruments, including stocks.
- How much does the stock investing strategies course cost?
There is no cost attached to the stock investing strategies course. It was created to educate individuals who are interested in learning more about the stock market and how to value stocks. Read any of the articles contained within this course as many times as you like, completely free of charge!
- Who can access the stock investing strategies course?
Anyone can access this course, even those without an eToro account or any previous investment experience.
- How long will the course take to complete?
The course should take roughly 70–75 minutes to complete, although there are no time limits! Take as much or as little time as you need to read through the stock investing strategies course, and feel free to revisit articles several times if you want to!
- Is the course suitable for beginners?
The stock investing strategies course is aimed at active and experienced traders and investors. However, the content is designed to be easily understood, so could definitely also be suitable for a beginner audience. If you are new to investing, consider taking a look at our Investing 101 course to help you learn the fundamentals first!