Bitcoin fällt nach der Ukraine-Invasion auf 38.000 USD – Krypto-Überblick, 28. Februar 2022

Investoren kaufen nach einem Rückgang von 10% auf 34.000 USD

Als der Krieg in der Ukraine ausbrach, sank Bitcoin um 10 %, bevor er sich wieder vollständig erholte und fast 38.000 USD erreichte.

Der Tiefststand von 34.000 USD wurde am Donnerstag erreicht, als russische Truppen einmarschierten und die Anleger in traditionelle sichere Häfen wie Gold flüchteten. Doch Bitcoin ließ sich nicht lange unterkriegen und stieg bald wieder an, als Biden Sanktionen verhängte und erklärte, die USA würden sich nicht direkt in den Konflikt einmischen. Die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Bitcoin wurde auch durch andere wichtige Nachrichten unterstützt: Die 46-Billionen-Dollar-Bank BNY Mellon kündigte eine institutionelle Krypto-Verwahrungsplattform an, und der US-Bundesstaat Colorado plant, Krypto für Steuerzahlungen zu akzeptieren.

In the face of seismic shifts to the geopolitical landscape, most altcoins are showing muted gains. Uniswap and Cosmos have inched around 4% higher to become top performers, while Ethereum Classic stayed flat as the history of the DAO hack was unearthed.

This Week’s Highlights

– Ukraine crypto donations hit $16M
European Central Bank calls for faster crypto regulation

Ukraine crypto donations hit $16M

After legalizing Bitcoin last week, the official Ukraine Twitter account has requested donations in crypto amid the ongoing Russian invasion.

In total, more than $16 million has now been donated to both the Ukraine government and nongovernmental organizations supporting the military.

The speed and scale of the cross-border donations has highlighted the wartime utility of crypto, which is fast becoming critical payment infrastructure after services such as Patreon have banned pages funding Ukraine.

European Central Bank calls for faster crypto regulation

As the global financial system is weaponized against Russia, crypto is in the spotlight as a potential tool to sidestep sanctions.

Although US Treasury officials say they aren’t overly worried about crypto undermining the effort to cut off the Kremlin’s access to capital, European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde is calling for new regulation to control the illicit flow of funds.

This could introduce more uncertainty to the crypto market, as the ECB matches Biden’s executive order on crypto with a faster roll out of the European Markets in Crypto Assets regulation (MiCA).

Week ahead

As the Ukraine crisis continues to play out, crypto and traditional markets are sitting on a knife’s edge, and more volatility could be expected in the week ahead.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell will testify before Congress. Investors will be watching closely for signs that geopolitical events could impact the rate hikes that are thought to have damaged crypto market momentum.

On Friday, the crypto market could also potentially react to the release of US economic data in the February jobs report.