eToro Community Guidelines

How people use eToro

eToro is an online trading platform. It is home to millions of users around the world, who use it to manage their finances and carry out trades. However, eToro is also a social network, on which users can exchange thoughts, ideas, strategies and more. Like many other social networks, eToro is often a platform for debate, which, for the most part, is carried out calmly and politely.

The following guidelines will help you understand what type of sharing is acceptable on eToro, and what type of content may be flagged, removed or result in restricted access.

For clients of eToro AUS Capital Limited, please read and acknowledge the Social Network Disclosure and Warning – eToro AUS Capital Pty Ltd around postings on the eToro social network, set in accordance with ASIC Regulatory Guide 162 for Internet Discussion Sites, and applies is in addition to the eToro Community Guidelines above.

Why we have community guidelines

eToro is first and foremost a community of financial enthusiasts. Spanning dozens of countries around the world and supporting more than 20 languages, the eToro community is truly diverse. Naturally, some users misuse the social aspects of the platform on occasion. Some do it out of malicious intent, but more often than not, they do so because they are not aware that the community has guidelines. For this reason, we have created this detailed guide, to enable eToro users to maintain a healthy and beneficial community.

The goal of the guidelines

  • Safety: We aspire to ensure the safety and well-being of all eToro users. Following these guidelines will ensure that.
  • Dignity: eToro is a place for people, and all people deserve to maintain their dignity. Following the guidelines will enable us to make sure the dignity of our users is not harmed.

Please note that the English version of the Community Standards reflects the most up-to-date set of the policies and should be used as the master document.

Violence and incitement

eToro users should never act in a violent manner, or encourage violent behaviour, directly or indirectly. This includes, but is not limited to: the use of expletives, profanity, trolling, abuse, fraud or solicitation. 


eToro users should never intentionally incite conflict, generate provocation or purposely upset other users. All discussions should remain polite and to the point. 

Deception and impersonation

Never misrepresent yourself by using the eToro logo or any other brands within your avatar or posts.


Please note that users are responsible for any third-party advertising in any content they share. For example, you may not post, share, or display any video content on our platform that includes third-party advertising, such as pre-roll video ads or sponsorship graphics, without our prior consent.

Market manipulation tactics

  • False information: Never post misleading information about your account and/or your trading skills. 
  • Investment advice: Never offer any direct investment advice, or anything that may be interpreted as investment advice. Do not call for direct action (such as “invest in”).
  • Market manipulation: Do not make false promises or entice others to trade/invest or attempt to create volatile market situations. 
  • User manipulation: Do not provide instructions on specific trades or on how to trade. 
  • Fake news: Do not share/spread misinformation, unverifiable information and rumours. 
  • Spamming: Do not use collusive and manipulation practices and avoid transferring misinformation in order to distort the financial markets, or posting the same information multiple times on various posts. 

Contacting eToro Customer Service

Do not post technical or account-related questions or information on the feed. You may contact Customer Service at any time if you have any questions or need assistance, via chat or by opening a ticket. You may also consult the eToro Help Center

Private details

Never share your private information on the eToro News Feed and never encourage others to do so.

Topics to avoid

Never discuss, mention or share any content relating to the following:

  • Suicide and self-injury
  • Child sexual exploitation, abuse and nudity
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Platform manipulation (using the eToro platform in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information)
  • Synthetic and manipulated media (deceptively sharing synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm)

Not following the Community Guidelines

Posts, comments, avatars and bios that do not follow the guidelines specified above may be edited or deleted by eToro. Continuous abuse of these guidelines will lead to your access being restricted or blocked. If a member of the eToro team or community raises any of the above issues regarding a specific user, and we find that the behaviour continues, this will also be grounds for having content removed or access restricted for that user. If your access has been restricted and you are unsure as to why this has happened, please contact our Customer Service Team.

What you are very welcome to do:

Be constructive

We are home to many traders of different age groups, cultures, lifestyles and of varying opinions, but we all share a mutual interest in trading the markets. Please be polite and respectful of others’ ideas, comments or trading activity even if these do not correspond to your own opinions. You are encouraged to share your thoughts and feedback, but please keep them respectful and don’t harass anyone.

Encourage a discussion

We encourage you to discuss and challenge ideas, strategies and market events as they happen.

Keep it relevant

Ask questions if you are uncertain of something, but keep discussions on track and ensure you are putting information in the right place. Please do not disrupt others’ conversations or use the market feeds for personal or irrelevant posts. This includes tagging market feeds in your trade stories, using them to promote your own results (see Spamming) or asking general questions on discussions on other subjects.

Don’t be shy if you are just starting out

Ask questions and enquire about events if you are not sure what they mean or which expected outcome everyone is forecasting and why.

Increase your portfolio’s exposure to the community

If you would like to have a following on eToro, feel free to use these tips:

  • Upload a photo of yourself and make your name visible.
  • eToro encourages responsible trading. Present yourself as a responsible trader to those who visit your profile. Share your thoughts and explanations of your trading on your News Feed. This will build your reputation and provide insights for your potential copiers.
  • Participate in conversations and help others with their questions.
  • Share your actions and posts on Facebook and Twitter to attract new copiers. Check which promotions are available to all regions and share them with your friends.