eToro používá cookies k:

  • Optimalizaci vašich zkušeností s obchodováním, včetně zapamatování vašich preferencí, polohy, preferovaného jazyka, prohlížeče a dalších detailů;
  • Ověření vaší identity z bezpečnostních důvodů;
  • Údržbě našich webových stránek a určitých funkcí, které jsou na nich dostupné;
  • Analýze a sledování využívání našich služeb;
  • Vylaďování naší platformy podle vašich obchodních zvyklostí a našich právních požadavků.

Co jsou to cookies?

Cookies jsou drobné úseky dat, které do vašeho počítače posílá webová stránka, ukládají se v počítači. Cookies jsou bez spustitelného souboru a nelze je použít k instalaci malwaru. Umožňují webovým stránkám rozpoznat návštěvníka, který se vrátí, a obsahují o něm základní informace, které jsou kontrolovány a aktualizovány pokaždé, když navštíví webové stránky. Více informací najdete na:

Správa cookies

Na eToro respektujeme vaše právo na soukromí, a proto vám rádi poskytneme nástroje pro správu cookies, které získáte z našich webových služeb.

Některá cookies jsou nezbytná pro výkon naší platformy (chcete-li používat naši platformu, nemůžete se těmto cookies vyhnout). Níže najdete seznam cookies třetích stran používaných u eToro. Pro uživatele, kteří nechtějí dostávat nedůležitá cookies, poskytujeme možnost jejich odhlášení.

Váš prohlížeč vám také může umožňovat blokovat ukládání cookies na vašem počítači; Pro více informací se prosím podívejte do menu nápovědy nebo na webovou stránku vašeho prohlížeče. Když používáte naše webové služby bez blokování cookies, fakticky udělujete souhlas s používáním cookies.

Nezbytné cookies

HostitelNázev souboru cookiePopisDoba platnosti
etoro.comak_bmscThis cookie is associated with Akamai and is used to differentiate between traffic from humans and bots.0 Days
etoro.comak_bmscThis cookie is associated with Akamai and is used to differentiate between traffic from humans and bots.0 Days
etoro.com__cfruidCookie associated with sites using CloudFlare, used to identify trusted web traffic.0 Days
etoro.comOptanonAlertBoxClosedThis cookie is set by websites using certain versions of the cookie law compliance solution from OneTrust. It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and in some cases only when they actively close the notice down. It enables the website not to show the message more than once to a user. The cookie has a one year lifespan and contains no personal information.1 Year
help.etoro.comrenderCtxUsed to store site parameters in the session for reuse across requests by a single client for functionality and performance reasons.0 Days
help.etoro.compctrkUsed to count page views by unauthenticated users against license usage.1 Year
help.etoro.comLSKey-c$CookieConsentPolicyUsed to apply end-user cookie consent preferences set by our client-side utility.1 Year
etoro.comhp_preferencesSlouží k zachování aktuálního jazyka stránky.6 Days
etoro.commarketing_visitor_regulation_idPoužívá se k uplatnění obsahu specifického pro regulaci a vyloučení odpovědnosti.1 Day
help.etoro.comforce-streamUsed to properly route server requests within Salesforce infrastructure for sticky sessions.0 Days
etoro.comeToroLocaleSlouží k zachování aktuálního jazyka webu.0 Days
etoro.com__cf_bmThe __cf_bm cookie is a cookie necessary to support Cloudflare Bot Management, currently in private beta. As part of our bot management service, this cookie helps manage incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots.
This is a CloudFoundry cookie
0 Days
etoro.comOptanonConsentThis cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the users browser, when consent is not given. The cookie has a normal lifespan of one year, so that returning visitors to the site will have their preferences remembered. It contains no information that can identify the site visitor.1 Year
etoro.comdatadomeDataDome is a bot protection service that may use cookies to distinguish between legitimate users and bots. It is used to protect websites from scraping, fraud, and other types of automated abuse.1 Year
etoro.commarketing_visitor_countrySlouží k použití obsahu a vyloučení odpovědnosti pro konkrétní země1 Day
etoro.com__cflbThis cookie is used by Cloudfare for load balancing.0 Days
etoro.comdd_testcookieThis cookie is used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies.0 Days
etoro.combm_svThis cookie is associated with Akamai and is used to differentiate between traffic from humans and bots.0 Days
help.etoro.comCookieConsentPolicyUsed to apply end-user cookie consent preferences set by our client-side utility.1 Year
etoro.com__cflbThis cookie is used by Cloudfare for load balancing.0 Days

Výkonnostní cookies

HostitelNázev souboru cookiePopisDoba platnosti
etoro.com_hjSession_xxxxxxA cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session. Opt out0 Days
etoro.comoptimizelyDomainTestCookieThese Optimizely cookies allow us to test different versions of website pages to different users at the same time and to track how users navigate around our website. We use this information to test new features and make the website easier to use.5 Months
etoro.com_uetvidThis is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.1 Year
analytics.etoro.commp_xxxxxxx_mixpanelUsed to identify individual users. This tool is used to measure site performance and usage patterns. Opt out0 Days
etoro.com_gaThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics – which is a significant update to Google’s more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website owners._ga. Opt out1 Year
etoro.com_gatThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics, according to documentation it is used to throttle the request rate – limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites. It expires after 10 minutes. Opt out0 Days
etoro.com_hjSessionUser_xxxxxxHotjar cookie that is set when a user first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. Opt out1 Year
etoro.com_ga_xxxxxxxxxxNAUsed by Google Analytics to identify and track an individual session with your device. Opt out1 Year
etoro.com__adal_caSoubor cookie Adalyzer ukládá, která reklamní kampaň přiměla uživatele k návštěvě, ukládá zdroj návštěvnosti a údaje o kampani.5 Months
etoro.com_gidThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited._gid. Opt out0 Days
etoro.com__adal_cwAdalyzer cookie. Propojí konverzní události s dřívějšími návštěvami a ukládá časové razítko návštěvy.6 Days
etoro.comoptimizelyEndUserIdCookie set by the Optimizely website optimisation plaftform. This cookie is a unique user identifier5 Months
etoro.com__adal_root_domain_test_nnnnnnnnnnnnnThis cookie name is associated with software provided by Adalyser to enable optimization of TV advertising by tracking sessions and conversion timings in relation to TV ad spot air times. This is a pattern type cookie with a common root of __adal_root_domain_test_ followed by a string of numbers.0 Days
etoro.com__adal_idAdalyzer cookie. Jedinečně identifikuje zařízení a uloží vygenerované ID zařízení.1 Year
etoro.com__adal_sesAdalyzer cookie. Zjišťuje, zda existuje aktivní relace a jaké konverze během této relace byly provedeny, aby se zabránilo duplicitám, ukládá během této relace seznam událostí.0 Days
etoro.com_gat_UA-nnnnnnn-nnThis is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites. Opt out0 Days
etoro.commp_xxxxxxx_mixpanelUsed to identify individual users. This tool is used to measure site performance and usage patterns. Opt out1 Year
etoro.com_hjTLDTestWhen the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed. Opt out0 Days
HostitelNázev souboru cookiePopisDoba platnosti
service.force.comLSKey-c$CookieConsentPolicyWith this cookie, Salesforce can identify your preferences from cookies collected on the website. It`s also used with Lightning Locker. You can find more details on Salesforce Cloud Service Cookies and Salesforce Embedded Chat Cookies.1 Year
service.force.comCookieConsentPolicyUsed to apply end-user cookie consent preferences set by Salesforce Experience Cloud.1 Year
force.comBrowserIdSoubor cookie Salesforce. Používá se pro bezpečnostní ochrany. Vykreslení na podmnožině domén Salesforce,1 Year

Funkční cookies

HostitelNázev souboru cookiePopisDoba platnosti
etoro.comcf_clearanceUsed to verify user is not a bot; user/system has solved a challenge successfully1 Year
HostitelNázev souboru cookiePopisDoba platnosti
vimeo.com__cf_bmThis is a CloudFoundry cookie0 Days
rum.optimizely.comAWSELBThis domain is associated with Optimizely, a platform providing A/B testing and personalization for websites. The cookies are used to measure the performance and effectiveness of different website designs.0 Days
vimeo.com_cfuvidThis domain is owned by Vimeo. The main business activity is: Video Hosting/Sharing0 Days
rum.optimizely.comoptimizelyRumLBControls the AWSELB cookie`s attributes (for example, SameSite and Secure).0 Days
rum.optimizely.comAWSELBCORSAWS Classic Load Balancer Cookie.Load Balancing Cookie: Used to map the session to the instance. Same value as AWSELB0 Days
connect.facebook.netfbsr_166209726726710This domain is owned by Facebook. The main business activity is: Social Media1 Year

Cílené cookies

HostitelNázev souboru cookiePopisDoba platnosti
etoro.com_fbpUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers2 Months
etoro.com_gat_gtag_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGoogle Analytics Opt out0 Days
etoro.com_gcl_auUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. Opt out2 Months
etoro.com_uetsidThis cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site.0 Days
etoro.comoptimizelyOptOutPříznak odhlášení pro uživatele1 Year
HostitelNázev souboru cookiePopisDoba platnosti
doubleclick.netIDEThis domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange. Opt out1 Year
taboola.comt_pt_gidSlouží pro účely atribuce k identifikaci odkazujících webových stránek1 Year
www.facebook.comThis domain is owned by Facebook, which is the world’s largest social networking service. As a third party host provider, it mostly collects data on the interests of users via widgets such as the ‘Like’ button found on many websites. This is used to serve targeted advertising to its users when logged into its services. In 2014 it also started serving up behaviourally targeted advertising on other websites, similar to most dedicated online marketing companies.0 Days
taboola.comtaboola_session_idThis domain is owned by Taboola Inc, a USA based company with multi-national presence. It provides tageted native advertising services.0 Days
youtube.comVISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAUkládá stav souhlasu uživatele s soubory cookie pro aktuální doménu5 Months
t.comuc_adsThis domain is owned by Twitter. It is used as a URL shortening service, which allows Twitter to collect data on how links are shared.1 Year
doubleclick.nettest_cookieThis domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange. Opt out0 Days
bing.comMSPTCThis domain is owned by Microsoft – it is the site for the search engine Bing.1 Year
twitter.compersonalization_idThis domain is owned by Twitter. The main business activity is: Social Networking Services. Where twitter acts as a third party host, it collects data through a range of plug-ins and integrations, that is primarily used for tracking and targeting.1 Year
twitter.comguest_idTwitter does not currently provide information on the use of specific cookies.1 Year
bing.comMUIDThis domain is owned by Mircosoft – it is the site for the search engine Bing.1 Year
twitter.comguest_id_marketingThis domain is owned by Twitter. The main business activity is: Social Networking Services. Where twitter acts as a third party host, it collects data through a range of plug-ins and integrations, that is primarily used for tracking and targeting.1 Year
twitter.comguest_id_adsThis domain is owned by Twitter. The main business activity is: Social Networking Services. Where twitter acts as a third party host, it collects data through a range of plug-ins and integrations, that is primarily used for tracking and targeting.1 Year
taboola.comt_gid_gid1 Yearží ke sledování interakce uživatele s vloženým obsahem.0 Days
youtube.comVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThis cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videos5 Months
youtube.comYSCTesting0 Days